Wow, I really like your project!! I also really appreciated your comment on my project, it definitely made my day :)!!! I hope you have an awesome day and I will 100% vote for you!!!
2020-12-14 06:48:21bayıldı çok hoş ve çok emek var benim çalışmama bakarsan sevinirim senin yorumun beni mutlu ediyor sana oy vericem
2020-12-14 08:12:04Richard you've killed it!!wow so nice ! Everything is perfect. But the only part i can't get is the "pillows on the shelf". Anyway. It's very unique and special!
2020-12-14 11:38:41Tske a look at mine on page 6 plz. :))
2020-12-14 11:39:12Hola! Gracias por tu comentario! Tu proyecto es muy bonito! El color morado pega perfectamente. Buen trabajo! Y muchas gracias por tu comentario!
2020-12-14 12:58:14Hi thank you for commenting on mine I see that you have made a really nice moroccan style room and have a lot of small details in it that are hard to get even but you did (I have a little OCD and it drives me crazy when things aren't equal) anyway I really like very thing but the using the floor lamps as a chandelier it just doesn't look right if you could flip it so the reeds on the top would go on the bottom it would fit perfectly but that is just my opinion. Have a great day.
2020-12-14 13:26:53Thanks for commenting on my design. I like the mint and purple a lot. The seating area is nice but if you had used one less couch it might have looked less congested(that's just my opinion.) I really like the way you arranged the curtains as-well. Good job!
2020-12-14 13:41:55Hello, Richard Brown. Your design is very -- unique. It has much color, and the layout is very busy. Maybe you could be a little more simple with your design. Having lots of furniture can be great for display, but imagine if someone lived there, it'd be hard to move around with all the furniture. Other than that, your design is appealing.
2020-12-14 13:43:20oh Richard ! u opted for a maximalist design which really suits the week task ! its wonderful and enriching! i cant imagine the amount of effort u put in that . i owe u a vote ;) have a nice day
2020-12-14 17:26:15i will be glad if you look at my progect on page 15
2020-12-14 18:37:38Vaya! Cuántos colores, me sorprende como hizo que todos funcionaran bien juntos. Muy original.
2020-12-14 19:15:10i saw your comment and i did finsh i just tried but i will vote you
2020-12-14 22:00:58Hi Richard, thank you so much for your lovely words about my project. I really apreciate that! Talking about your project, I have to say that it is a "killer" design. I like it very much. It is daring and stunning, and there is so much going on in that room that is amazing how you avoided to end in completly chaos. I mean, you managed to find a balance between all the elements. I love the grain of that floor, which makes your design so alive and lively and yet you have gone for even more particular ceiling! Which I love so much. (Continue).
2020-12-15 00:33:34Wow what a very lovely house
2020-12-15 00:37:17The color scheme leads you in a sort of dream suspended in a fable. More than moroccon it reminds me of something Middle Eastern. The green and that sorto fo red are gorgeous and mesmerizing. The level of details of decor in your room is impressive. I love the layout in the room. Putting the kitchen close to the door is something that I wouldn't have done but it makes sense in your project as you have creating a very large space for socialize. The veils as decor element? That's a fine way to put your creative touch and that design. You have my vote, sir. Blessing to you and godspeed!
2020-12-15 00:38:15I love this it gives off gypsy vies to me.
2020-12-15 01:58:45omg! this is amazing! i might vote for you!
2020-12-15 04:01:25Bravissimo! It's really a Moroccan style!
2020-12-15 11:52:28OMG SO GOOD! I love the hanging curtains and the colors and just the AWESOME vibe! Looks amazing! Awesome job again! I hope you get 1st place!! Fingers crossed! :)
2020-12-15 14:47:40Wow!
2020-12-15 14:48:08Очень понравился проект! Красиво всё расставлено и краски насыщенные!,,,.. Удивительно совпала идея со шторами!))))---разделить зоны!
2020-12-15 19:40:23this is sooo good I love the cieling feature also please check mine out at page 38
2020-12-15 22:43:17Доброго дня! По крайней мере в Санкт- петербурге полдень!))))) Спасибо большое за комментарий!)))))) Меня заинтересовало ваше предложение. Жду ссылку. Я до учёбы начала с домиков и у меня не хватает знаний по внешней отделке домов и крыш.
2020-12-16 08:43:58Ссыслки нет
2020-12-16 14:00:23WOW! this looks amazing, I love the curtains hanging from the middle and the color scheme. I will be voting for you and would really appreciate it if you could check mine out.
2020-12-16 14:21:51В настройках к анкете допишите ссылку
2020-12-16 19:05:19wow very pretty! The one thing i don't get are the pillows on the shelves... besides that youyr project is really good! I really like the colors and good luck in the compition and have a nice day!
2020-12-16 19:48:48Доброе утро, Ричард. Нашла вас по ссылке. Спасибо )) Буду учиться у вас приёмам, которые меня интересуют.
2020-12-17 06:40:45Voted :)
2020-12-18 09:40:23This is great! So many elements here - the high ceiling with rustic lights, the drapery all around to add some privacy, multiple couches and cushions for comfort, and a warm and inviting colour scheme!
2020-12-19 15:49:05Wow, this is so beautiful! I would totally want to live here! I'm definitely voting for you! Please vote for mine if you like it. Just click on my name and it will take you to my design battle projects! Great job, and good luck!
2020-12-20 17:34:57WOW so awesome!
2020-12-29 20:49:18this is so cool
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