It really feels like Bali :)! Great!
2020-12-07 19:08:05:) Yeah, I tried something like that...
2020-12-07 19:49:00Parece sacado de una revista! Es excelente *.* La calidez que transmite esuy agradable. Muy bonito :)
2020-12-07 20:32:33Es muy* perdón xD
2020-12-07 20:33:12Here come the renders:
2020-12-07 22:16:52Precioso , me encanta el toque rojo, y las plantas.
2020-12-08 09:56:22Very nice project, Rita. You have chosen a material that is typical for this area very well. The color combinations and equipment are great. Great. The only thing that seems to me to be too much - lights. That's just my opinion.
2020-12-08 19:03:17Спасибо большое за комментарий! А я вообще балдею от вашего уютного гнёздышка влюблённых!))) Ведь страстный красный передают чувства?!)) Очень нравится текстура стен!--- Я искала нечто подобное, но в итоге отклонилась от задумки и получилась некая мексиканская тема !))) Очень понравился и балкон и спальня--- эти зоны пронизаны страстью и романтизмом!!!!! Хотела бы отдохнуть в такой милой хижине))) Сори за юмор, но мне действительно нравится ваша работа. Она и пыл и энергию даёт и все хорошие чувства, связанные с этим цветом....Алый цвет вообще бесподобен. Я видела ваши рендеры. Замечательно смотрится!!!!!!!
2020-12-08 19:33:18Hi, I am totally in love with your belcony, can imagine a lot of cozy evenings there. And it is just wonderful how many plants do you have there.
2020-12-09 15:18:37Thank you for your comment. Your room looks good. I like all the red.
2020-12-09 21:09:28Rita thanks for your comment on my project! I really like your project too as it reminds me of hawaii, very tropical. I also like how the layout is very similar to my own. Another thing is the very good use of different shades of wood. Very nice!
2020-12-09 22:08:14It is much beautiful than i was thinking it would! Great job! I would stay there!May you have a day full of happy events!
2020-12-10 10:17:21Hi Rita and thank you so much for your nice review! I really appreciate your advices and your honest opinion. It helps a lot in growing and developing skills. Your design is so daring and falmboyant! All that beautiful wood surronds you in a warm embrace, setting the mood in the room and makes that intense red standing out in all is glory. That desing is so refined and so sexy. I love it. The layout of the room is beautifuly done. The only thing that I would liked to see is some entryway to separate the bed from the main entrance. (Continue).
2020-12-10 17:45:43For the balcony I love how you used the same wood to create continuity between the inside and the outside but you have used a softer orange to remark that is a different zone of the same place. I love it! I love how it looks complementary with that red. The shade is simply perfect. That's tells a lot of how a refined and mature designer you are. I love your project my dear. Really.
2020-12-10 17:47:58Szia, köszönöm a hozzászólásodat. Nagyon klassz, hogy a falak rattanból vannak és az egész belső sötétebb barna tónust kapott. Remek újítás, hogy az álló lámpát mennyezeti funkcióval láttad el. Nekem különösen a terasz tetszik. A narancs színű bútorok fantasztikusak. A színek és a lámpák meghitt hangulatuvá varázsolják a teret. :)
2020-12-10 20:19:50Votado :)
2020-12-11 00:44:37Hi my dear! I voted for you! All the best!
2020-12-11 02:59:45Voted
2020-12-11 04:58:42Голосую!!!!)
2020-12-11 08:21:56Szavaztam :)
2020-12-11 15:51:04Your tropical theme project is my favorite this week! I voted :)!
2020-12-11 18:58:52Thanks, Milica :)
2020-12-11 19:02:32Rita, this is the most tropical theme ive seen so far ! u did a great job using the maroon woods and beiges and lots of plants ! its more than pretty . u really deserve my vote! thanks for the vote and comment ! have a nice day :)
2020-12-11 19:46:38I voted for you
2020-12-12 02:59:23i wanna vote for you,,,,i don't know why the button does not work!!!!!! :((
2020-12-12 11:21:14Hi Rita, i really like you design. Voted and good luck.
2020-12-12 19:47:15i had to vote this. its mind blowing.
2020-12-12 21:07:28Hallo Rita, thanks a lot for your comment, I like your project too, especially the second version. Voted
2020-12-12 22:20:23Thank you for your kind comment on my project. I love all the warm browns, it works really well together. It's a very beautiful effect.
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