Ambiance Tarte aux Pommes

Concevez un intérieur de cuisine en utilisant des couleurs blanches et brunes.


Commentaires (5)


Привет!) Ты создал спокойную деревенскую атмосферу, что всегда просит душа... Мне нравится выбор мебели, но к столу , при возможности, я бы поставила для завершения смысла 2 скамьи.)

2023-11-08 17:20:28

Thank you Olga! I really like the idea of the two benches, I absolutely agree with your suggestion. :)

2023-11-11 09:20:44

Thank you Olga! I really like the idea of the two benches, I absolutely agree with your suggestion. :)

2023-11-11 09:21:08

Thank you Olga! I really like the idea of the two benches, I absolutely agree with your suggestion. :)

2023-11-11 09:22:02

Thank you Olga! I really like the idea of the two benches, I absolutely agree with your suggestion. :)

2023-11-11 09:22:02