Concevez l'intérieur de la cuisine moderne en couleur brune.
WOW!!!! This design looks absolutely amazing!! I love your choice of chocolate colors and how you balanced them in the room. Wonderful work flow and lighting! Perfection!! Good luck in the battle, Bella. I hope you win!!
2023-10-04 18:32:52Thank you so much!! Youre so nice! I wish the cabinets were all the same color and that i had made the room a bit darker, but its not too bad. I love yours!! The decor is awesome and the colors look great together!
2023-10-04 21:20:52Привет!) Какой выбор шоколадок!))))) Несмотря на использование нюансов коричневого, работа гармонична. Много мест хранения, что немало важно хозяйке... расстановка мебели удобна, есть свобода движения для работы . Отлично!
2023-10-05 11:01:37Thank you, Olga!
2023-10-05 14:29:06We are always our own worst critic. I wish I could get the lighting on mine to look this good! I’m always struggling with the lighting, no matter what I do. lol I liked the color choices for the cabinets. It breaks up the monotony of a room, centers the focal point and refreshes the space, imo. You did a great job!!
2023-10-05 17:42:54Thank you so much!!
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