
Commentaires (25)

Hall Pat

Hola! Que calidez en su habitación! El estilo me resulta clásico pero elegante, ame su estantería y que colocará detalles con respecto a Halloween, es muy divertido :D espero ver sus renders pronto. Seguro serán preciosos. Cómo siempre gran trabajo. Gracias por su comentario en verdad significa mucho.

2020-11-02 18:48:58

The warmth of the colors of your space offers homeliness and friendliness. The choice of textile curtains and chair is ideal. I love your design.

2020-11-02 18:59:26

here are the renders https://planner5d.com/storage/s/97161d9d5e1f3fc16ad77668aed81288_7.jpg?v=1604344894 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/97161d9d5e1f3fc16ad77668aed81288_5.jpg?v=1604344619 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/97161d9d5e1f3fc16ad77668aed81288_1.jpg?v=1604344374

2020-11-02 19:42:05
Milica G.

Hi Rita :)! Library goes great with timless classic style, kind of a Victorian, a bit! I love autumn colors, too! I can almost smell cinammon and baked pumpkin :))!

2020-11-02 21:16:03

I love this design! I really like the bookshelf that goes in the corner and your renders look awesome! Please leave a comment on my project (it's on page 20). Thank you! I will definitely vote for you!!!!

2020-11-02 21:57:24

Woo hoo! Authentic halloween vibes here! I like that all the furniture are placed strategically to surround the central coffee table, so there is still practical walking space within the room, yet not too scattered.

2020-11-03 06:13:41
Maryna Denyschenko

I like your autumn colors, it feels like home, very warm and cozy

2020-11-03 06:47:47

Hi Rita. Thank you very much for your comments on my project! The style and colors of your library take you to a mansion in the countryside. Indeed a library room belongs more to a classical period rather than modern so you chose your style very well. i like that you turned it eclectic too, by use of modern industrial floor lamps.

2020-11-03 08:58:55

I like the stone pillars. Your room is very has some very nice natural elements.

2020-11-04 02:15:53
Potato chip

Thank you for your comment. Your room looks good. I like the flowery curtains and the matching chair.

2020-11-04 17:41:53
Elena Z

Hallo Rita, thanks a lot for your comment. I really like the autumn colour palette you chose, it makes the room warm and inviting. The layout works well and gives you plenty of storage options for books together with a lot of sitting options. I imagine that the family who lives here is a little bigger as the one living in my project. And the big lamp in the middle has a wonderful effect in the renders. Congratulations!

2020-11-05 07:51:19
Hall Pat

Votado :)

2020-11-06 01:43:36
Born to be Wild


2020-11-06 04:58:32


2020-11-06 05:50:09

Szia Rita! Köszönöm szépen a hozzászólásodat a projektemhez. A tied hihetetlenül jó lett. Nagyon tetszik az őszi színek kombinációja. A két könyvespolc közötti elválasztás és a fal megvilágítása nagyon jó ötlet. Hát szívesen olvasgatnék itt. :)

2020-11-06 08:33:25
Rizki Agustin

Voted for yoi

2020-11-06 10:11:19

so vintage and autumn ! i VOTED , can u ote for me too ! thanks :)

2020-11-06 12:34:04
Milica G.

Voted, good luck!

2020-11-06 12:57:58


2020-11-06 14:24:30
User 15281715

2020-11-06 20:45:59
Elena Z


2020-11-06 21:01:04

Voted :)

2020-11-07 07:34:23

voted for you

2020-11-07 07:56:06

Hi Rita, thank you for the comment. I love your design and the colors you chose. Voted for you too

2020-11-07 15:02:15

i dont really get the halloween vibe if its supposed 2 be a library but cute

2023-11-26 01:43:22