User 15281715

Commentaires (252)

Hall Pat

Me gusta el estilo sencillo de su proyecto aun que debo decir que me sorprendió un poco, sin embargo la distribución fue muy acertada. Ya que permite una libre circulación además es espacioso y fresco sin perder la sensación de calidez gracias a el color elegido para el mobiliario. Nunca decepciona :)

2020-10-26 02:01:51
Madeline Cyfko

It is a bit too tacky but that's alright. I will still vote for you! Please give feedback on my project.

2020-10-26 02:04:59
User 15281715

2020-10-26 02:06:18
User 15281715

2020-10-26 02:06:36
User 15281715

2020-10-26 02:08:07
Hall Pat

Perdón no me fije sobre los comentarios lo siento :(

2020-10-26 02:08:58

Wow The renders really show the room. Simple yet Classy, peaceful, and clean.

2020-10-26 02:09:22
Hall Pat

Que hermosos renders! *O* aproposito felicidades por el segundo lugar en verdad estoy feliz por ti.

2020-10-26 02:10:04
User 15281715

2020-10-26 02:12:15
User 15281715

2020-10-26 02:53:54
Hall Pat

Hola de nuevo Erin acabo de publicar mis renders, te agradecería mucho si les dieras un vistazo y me dieras tu opinión :) si lo deseas claro.

2020-10-26 03:26:50
User 15281715

2020-10-26 03:37:51

Congratulations Erin for the second place :) I always love simple and elegant design and this is what it is !!! As Hall Pat said, "It is spacious and fresh".....It's awesome. But honestly, I think you should have done some more creativity in the office floor. Rest is Awesome :)

2020-10-26 03:56:12
Anoushka Sarin

Hi! My name is Anoushka! I am a Indian! I love love love your project! Its so nice! I will surely vote for you! Be sure to see my Project on Page 3! Bye!

2020-10-26 04:57:54

Congratulaiton Erin to be on 2th place last week. This project is also nice.

2020-10-26 07:44:12

Well, I must say it is one of the projects I like a lot. The grey colour of the whole house makes it look really nice but I suggest you could have added a bit more of colour onto it the sofa and the armchairs are kept in a good place the carpet is nicely going with the room but it's not my taste Overall a very nice and cosy hose to live in.If you want you can check out my project on page 4

2020-10-26 07:47:29

Heyy, you can check mine on pg.4 :)

2020-10-26 09:07:41

Oh wow! The renders look so good and modern. I love the simplicity and how it is not overwhelming with colors. Mines all the way to the bottom on page one, if you want to come and see.

2020-10-26 11:54:19
User 15281715

2020-10-26 12:03:47
Born to be Wild

Hi Erin, thanks for your feedback. I like the design and way you opted for the round dining table. The rug looks very nice. Overall layout is great. The only change i would have done is add some colors or made the flooring stand out a bit more :-)

2020-10-26 13:36:58
User 15281715

2020-10-26 13:40:02
Isaac Schultze

Hi I like your project but it does seem a little dull. I would like your style a lot better on this one! I do like the living area space if you stuck to that mane theme throughout your entire project then it would look ten times better but that's just my opinion plus I have no Idea what's going on in your life. Comment on mine so I can improve too!!!

2020-10-26 13:43:17
User 15281715

2020-10-26 13:58:58
User 16138998

2020-10-26 14:12:50

Hi! This was a bit of a tricky challenge, but you seem to have done well! It feels very relaxed and modern. If you wanna see mine, im the fist one on page 10.

2020-10-26 14:37:50

Hi, I saw your renders, they are beautiful, the white and natural colors are great and the whole project is very elegant.

2020-10-26 15:04:38
User 15281715

2020-10-26 15:06:46
User 12006058

2020-10-26 15:28:37
Sydney J

Wow. Just like all your designs this is super creative. Next time, could you try a different color scheme?

2020-10-26 16:00:44
User 15281715

2020-10-26 16:28:00
User 15281715

2020-10-26 16:35:36
User 12006058

2020-10-26 16:44:42

INCREDIBLE!! check mine in page 14

2020-10-26 17:17:27

it is very simple and spacious, i like your kitchen and the shelf near the entrance! i think you did a great job, make sure to check mine out if you´d like and Good Luck!

2020-10-26 17:38:34
User 12006058

2020-10-26 18:07:00
User 12006058

2020-10-26 18:07:52
User 15281715

2020-10-26 18:19:10
Cute Doggy

This is awesome! Please check my project on page 13.

2020-10-26 19:11:15
Saulė Kardašaitė

Hi, nice design! I like the carpet print and the warm, simple colour scheme :) Check out my design on page 8.

2020-10-26 19:27:00

Hi Erin! This is a great design!!! I love all of it!! You actually inspired me for my design so sorry if it seems like I copied you a little bit! Please leave feedback on my design (it's on page 18) Thanks!!!!

2020-10-26 20:39:19
User 12006058

2020-10-26 20:56:06
User 12006058

2020-10-26 20:56:24
User 15281715

2020-10-26 21:02:49
Art lover

Hey Erin! I'm back, and sorry for being late! I really enjoy looking at your creative talents every week! I like how you did a kitchen and seating area downstairs and the 'office' upstairs! I would love to have your opinion on my project, at page 19! You deff have my vote, when the time comes!

2020-10-26 21:11:11
User 12006058

2020-10-26 21:24:08
User 12006058

2020-10-26 21:24:35

Felicidades! Es un espacio muy acogedor, te invito a ver mi proyecto. ;)

2020-10-26 22:11:07
User 15281715

2020-10-26 22:35:30
Sydney J

Hi Erin! A good friend of your reminded me of how to be a good friend. I'm sorry about what I said about the color. If you think about it the gray puts you at ease. So Sorry! -Sydney J

2020-10-26 22:49:56
Sydney J

Oh and to get things on the top floor, go into 3D click on the object, and next to the rotate button, there is an up/down arrow. drag it up and the object will go up.

2020-10-26 22:52:51
User 15281715

2020-10-26 23:00:27
User 15281715

2020-10-26 23:07:40
User 15281715

2020-10-26 23:08:03
User 13280614

2020-10-27 01:28:12

Hi Erin. So, this time you played on more soft and neutral colors, right? Well, from my point of view, it worked. I don't think that the place is nor "dull", nor "dingy". I think that one of the cleverest move you did was using two different flooring for the two different levels. When you watch the room from high, it create two different layers that add dept on your design. The big rug is another very clever move. Using that pattern on textile enrich the enviroment, it push in your design that element of fun and dynamism that catch the eye. I love the care that you put in chosing also the textile of the pillow as well the wood of the chairs and kitchen. I think that is a very inviting place with a calm and relaxed vibe. I like it very much Erin and I think that this is a solid design. Please, have a look to my project. This time I'm on page 23. I would like to know your honest opinion about it.

2020-10-27 11:16:36
User 15281715

2020-10-27 14:00:01
User 15281715

2020-10-27 14:58:52
User 12006058

2020-10-27 15:14:13

Hello! I personally think this project it a bit all over the place, color's are great though! I really do think that you have a long way ahead of you! :3

2020-10-27 17:44:56

Me encanta

2020-10-27 17:52:03
Kitty Lover

Hi, I love the work, go check mine out on page 24, pls leave a comment! Nice work!

2020-10-27 18:13:41


2020-10-27 18:38:26
Izzy Moonlight ☾

You should add pictures or shelves to the empty walls!

2020-10-27 19:10:08
User 15281715

2020-10-27 19:23:01
User 12006058

2020-10-27 19:39:51
User 15281715

2020-10-27 19:42:11
Izzy Moonlight ☾

College? Wow!

2020-10-27 19:53:07
User 12006058

2020-10-27 20:09:03
User 15281715

2020-10-27 20:19:20
Izzy Moonlight ☾


2020-10-27 20:22:44


2020-10-27 20:29:45

I am doing that next year!

2020-10-27 20:29:57
User 15281715

2020-10-27 20:31:44

I am not doing the project this year, but I really loveee your project! - as usual! Color theme is perfect! Walls, aren't too plain and aren't too full! I think this is a hit! Congrats on winning second place last week You have a big chance of winning first place this week, in my opinion ;)

2020-10-27 20:32:37

Oops i meant this week, not this year!

2020-10-27 20:33:06
User 15281715

2020-10-27 20:57:45
Sydney J

Wow Erin, college. I'm only 11, but even I know that's a big deal. What are studying?

2020-10-27 21:29:17
User 12006058

2020-10-27 22:02:58
User 12006058

2020-10-27 22:03:20
Sydney J

YAY!! (sorry Erin, if we are cluttering your comments)

2020-10-27 22:19:01
User 15281715

2020-10-27 22:24:59
User 15281715

2020-10-27 23:02:55
Sydney J

I want to be a marine biologist when I get older. (I don 't like saying "grow up") I love the ocean, and THAT IS MY DREAM JOB

2020-10-27 23:09:06
Sydney J

At the same time, I wish I could stay 11 forever

2020-10-27 23:09:59
User 12006058

2020-10-27 23:17:44
User 12006058

2020-10-27 23:19:34
User 15281715

2020-10-27 23:25:36
User 15281715

2020-10-27 23:26:33
User 12006058

2020-10-27 23:27:12
User 15281715

2020-10-27 23:27:40
User 15281715

2020-10-27 23:28:54
User 15281715

2020-10-27 23:29:27
User 15281715

2020-10-27 23:30:58
User 12006058

2020-10-27 23:36:03
User 12006058

2020-10-27 23:40:39
User 15281715

2020-10-27 23:42:50

The renders look amazingggg!!!! Good job on this project!

2020-10-28 01:47:35
User 15281715

2020-10-28 01:57:16

Come see mine on page 17! YOURS LOOK GREAT! I have renders on my page, If you want to see mine. Thanks Cobra Kai! STRIKE FIRST STRIKE HARD NO MERCY

2020-10-28 10:59:46
Izzy Moonlight ☾

I am 11 too!

2020-10-28 14:45:46