Maryna Denyschenko

Commentaires (13)


Woah! This is beautiful! The colors in this match perfectly together and the way you separated the colors are amazing! So pretty and pleasing to the eye! You can check out my project at the bottom of page 38! Once again, beautiful project!

2020-10-21 13:39:23

Hi! I like this project, though I do feel there is room to improve. you seem to have gone a bit overboard, and added too much of one color to each bedroom. maybe you could add some pink or orange accents to the yellow room, and maybe some blue or purple accents to the green room? I do like the way you did the upper wall in the yellow room with the stripe-things; Very creative. I'm on page 10 if you wanna see mine. Sorry for the long comment, I'm just very bored ;w;

2020-10-21 14:42:39

Also, the couch idea is great! Nice job!

2020-10-21 14:43:26
Maryna Denyschenko

Dear BellaDOGa, I like long comments, and especially the ones with some constructive critic and suggestions, so I am very thankful for yours. I am a little bit afraid of making something too colorful and not really sure how to combine different colors, so I usually just use the scheme of one neutral basic color like beige or similar and one bright color for accents. And the result you can see))) Actually making my own real interior I used cappuccino colors, they are my favorites with some accents of green and chocolate brown. What I want to say - colors are a challenge for me, but I am working on it)))

2020-10-21 14:55:36

Thanks for youor comment on my design!

2020-10-21 18:11:33
Isaac Schultze

Thank you for your comment!!!! I really love yours too I like the gold and white accents in the yellow room they really go well together!!! You have a really good balance between pieces of furniture!!! The only thing I would change is the plant by the window in the green room are floating. Besides that awesome job !!! P.S. I really like how the yellow room kinda looks like its the sun and the middle room is the sky with clouds and the green room is trees and plants and nature!!! Great Job!!!!!!

2020-10-21 23:39:37

Neon and bright! The colours look wonderful! And I love the funky shelves in the yellow bedroom! Another thing that I like is the colour of the relaxing room (With "clouds" mirrors), it calms one down totally.

2020-10-22 00:44:17
Born to be Wild

Love your design. its vibrant and beautiful :) So much eye for detail ! Do check mine on Pg4

2020-10-22 04:23:47
Hall Pat

Hola Maryna, tengo que decir que tienes un trabajo hermoso, es brillante y divertido, la habitación color verde es luminosa y esa idea de las butacas juntas para crear un sofa es increíble, hablando del mobiliario la habitación tiene una distribución bastante inteligente. En el caso de la habitación amarilla ame los detalles en las paredes y sucede lo mismo que la otra en cuanto a distribución. Únicamente creo que se pudo usar un color diferente (en algunos detalles en o algo así) en amabas habitaciones para darle un toque diferente, pero claro que es solo mi opinión y no busco ofender a nadie. La habitación de en medio es sencilla pero bastante pensada y acogedora además el color de la pared es hermoso. :)

2020-10-22 13:35:03
Hall Pat

Hola, tiene mi voto :D

2020-10-23 05:11:35
Born to be Wild


2020-10-23 05:31:50

Hola! Tu trabajo me encanta, has respectado el tema a la perfeccion. Tienes mi voto! mucha suerte

2020-10-23 13:01:41
Potato chip

Thank you for your comment. To be honest with you, I didn't have much time to design my room, so it was a bit rushed. This has been a busy week for me. Putting the instruments in that room was just to fill the space since I didn't really know what to do with it. Anyway, your room looks great. I like how you designed the room with the instruments. I voted for you.

2020-10-25 01:05:46