I think you really succeed in designing Monica's apartment. A lot of people (including myself) have just adapted the design to the own taste, but you managed to do it according the scenario. Great job!
2020-10-14 16:11:25This is a great version of Monica's apt! Great job keeping with the theme and the rules of the week. I like it. I was thinking of doing the plant in the kitchen wall, but I invested too much time in the hallway colors and the build out of the window seating. Check out mine to see what I mean. Those sets changed on a seasonal basis. Good luck!
2020-10-14 20:14:58Hi Nikolas! I love your design. It is very simple / modern and I liked that you included more colors. And the kitchen is very cute :) !! Stay safe and have a beautiful 2020 !!
2020-10-15 12:29:30Hello! I love the Apartment it looks just like Friends. If you have time come see mine on page 31. Thanks! Cobra Kai! :) I will vote you!!
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