love it! I like how you have the one pannle on the wall and then have all the pictures on it! also the layout is good. my only problem is that the table dose not have chairs! I do not know if you ment to do it or not. overall great job and good luck!
2021-05-18 11:34:56there is no chair I don't put it the place to sit is at the window its not a dinning table actually its just a table for people to talk like a big coffee table :D
2021-05-19 00:52:55nice design!
2021-05-19 10:18:05thanks!!
2021-05-19 11:32:06Hi! In your description, you said your bad at designing, but this is actually pretty good. Maybe your not the best, but there is always room for improvement. I love all the pictures, but I would have made them all the same frame color. The dark theme is really good and I love the layout! I would have added chairs to the table but it's fine. Also, I don't think you needed 6 apple bowls but it adds some color. Finally, the lights are a little random, a tip for those is to have around 2 chandeliers (depends on the room size) above the tables or in the center of the room. Nice job otherwise and I don't mean that stuff to mean, just to help you improve and become more confident with your designing. When I first started designing, I wasn't that good but with the help and tips of others I was able to improve, and I hope you do too! Nice job this week!
2021-05-22 19:03:50Also, the amount of votes on average that the winner gets is around 70 each week. Most people get maybe 30, but you have 55! People don't think your bad, they like your design! (you can see people's votes if you click on their name and hover over their design battle project)(but you cant see your own)
2021-05-22 19:07:03I agree with doggy!
2021-05-23 00:46:24Thanks, a lot doggy! Now I believe myself
2021-05-23 01:56:23Your welcome!
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