
Commentaires (16)


page 2

2020-09-14 01:39:40

I like how you chose one color for each room, also the design is quite functional and fits well with the palette! I'm on page 5 if you want to check mine, good luck!

2020-09-14 08:13:08

You used pastel colors, but still managed to make Bright and cheery rooms. Nice.

2020-09-15 01:34:40

Congrats on Page 2! Very interesting use of color and texture. Hard to put my finger on exactly why, but I'm getting some definite movie/television set vibes. It might sound strange but some part of me wants to film a sitcom here haha. Maybe it's because the avocado green and harvest gold combo make me think of the 70's and the extent of my experience with that era has been watching television and movies. That and the two tones of the wall against each other remind me of a movie set. Highly creative work and done so quickly! I've only managed to make it to page 4, but you're more than welcome to come check it out and let me know what you think! Keep up the great work!

2020-09-15 22:59:02
Art lover

Hey!!! this design is really amazing!!! i love the colours of the wall, pastel blue and yellow, and also the design on the sofas! check me out on page 17

2020-09-16 19:14:14
Flowery girl

I like it! my link.

2020-09-16 23:15:08
Flowery girl


2020-09-16 23:15:35

Voted! And sorry, I'm leaving this same comment for others too, because I don't have any connection to my brain right now, and I just want to vote for the ones I like for now. If you want an original comment, please just leave a comment on my design, and I'll get back to you when my brain is working again. Page 15. Sorry.

2020-09-18 05:08:42

Voted. I'm on page 3 if you would like to check out my project:):) Stay safe.

2020-09-18 06:49:43

I agree with Eli_The_Design_Guy. The kitchen especially reminds me of a 70's sitcom. I do like the dining area colours :-)

2020-09-18 10:01:23


2020-09-18 16:01:37

Hi , i love the way you worked the colors its amazing and unique , . if you do not mind plz check out my design on page 56 , i would really appreciate it

2020-09-18 21:32:25

Hi I voted, Really loved the kitchen

2020-09-19 00:57:35

Thank you for voting for mine too. As promised, since you did leave a comment, I'll leave an original comment for you. First of all, that couch and the armchair look fun. I really like the way you did the curtains too. The green and blue really separates the rooms, and makes things so much more interesting. Very good job.

2020-09-19 05:44:13
Nia Young

Nice! check me out!

2020-09-19 16:42:20

We should see how many doggys we can get. Change your name to any doggy and we can have a whole group of doggys! Also spread the word

2020-09-19 23:53:59