Elena Z

Commentaires (17)

Elena Z

Here you can see the renders: https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/S8MPF/ https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/S8MP3/ https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/S8M39/

2020-08-26 07:18:51

Hi Elena! Finally I can see your projoect! That's an interesting concept! I absolutely love how you played with those colors! It is fun and very sofisticated at the same time! As usual I can see many finesses all around in your decor. The style maybe boho but I can see that there is a consistency in type of forniture and, of course, in the choice of color that bring all the elements together. I like your zoning. It is really well done and does not kill the space. Your room look like a very welcoming place! You have my vote! Please, let me know what do you think of my project. I'm on page 10.

2020-08-26 08:51:54

So creative and beautifully done, J'aime cela!

2020-08-26 08:57:07

This is amazing! I love the colors and how decorative it is. It has an awesome personality to it and it feels very cozy. I love your placement as well. I also love all the all decor. Good job. Check me out on page 9. Good luck! :)

2020-08-26 16:58:58
Elena Z

Thanks a lot to all of you!

2020-08-27 19:48:40
Hall Pat

Otro proyecto increíble sin duda, esos renders de tu proyecto son realmente hermosos. Me gusta el esquema de color, es divertido pero tiene cierta elegancia el manejo de el color azul. Una distribución agradable y que ayuda a sentir espacioso la habitación muy bien echo. :)

2020-08-27 21:01:52

Hi Elena. Thank you for your kind comments on my project. It is true. Is underdecorated. I focused more on chosing a good color palette and trying a realistic, livable zoning. However, good luck for your project.

2020-08-27 23:06:04

Great design!! I absolutely love the palette and over all design!! Super creative and stylish to boot!!! ♥♥ Voted! Feel free to check out my latest and vote if you like it too!! (I'm on page 49) ♫♪ U( • {T} • )U ♪♫

2020-08-28 06:53:51
Julio Medrano

Buen diseño y estilo boho. Felicidades! Hay varios detalles que me gustaría comentar pero por falta de tiempo para poder ver los otros no comentaré más; de todas formas tienes mi voto sin compromiso. Te invito a ver el mío en la pág 24, le das me gusta si realmente es de tu agrado, sino deja un comentario que para mi también es de utilidad e importancia. Gracias y saludos. Nota: He copiado y pegado este mensaje para poder ver todos los proyecto y votar por los que realmente me gustan.

2020-08-28 23:24:07

Hi Elena, I voted for you. Good luck!

2020-08-28 23:42:13
Elena Z

Thanks Yuri, you have my vote too.

2020-08-29 04:22:41
Hall Pat

Votado! :D buena suerte :)

2020-08-29 04:39:35

Hi, I love your project. You chose great colors and wallpaper and The placement of the bed is amazing! I voted for you. Please vote for me on page 1!

2020-08-29 13:43:58
Potato chip

Thank you for your comment and vote. Your room looks great. I like the rugs in the bedroom. I also like the wall art. Very creative. I voted for you too.

2020-08-30 00:15:59
Анастасия Мусяка


2020-08-30 15:07:22

I voted to you too!!! .-)

2020-08-30 17:38:02


2020-08-30 20:22:09