
Commentaires (25)

Hall Pat

wow! tu trabajo es increible :D es elegante y colorido, gran trabajo, regresare para votar por ti. Te agradeceria si dejaras un comentario o sugerencia en mi proyecto, estoy en la pagina 3.

2020-08-03 16:17:15
User 12798674

2020-08-03 23:13:50

Thanks. My mistake - I only registered the rule after I had submitted the design. Would have lightened the floor considerably.

2020-08-04 00:55:38
Born to be Wild

Thanks for your comments. I love the overall green theme of your design. The layout & placement of furniture is very nice. But i thought as per rules, we had to make the space to be light themed?

2020-08-04 05:31:02

Checked it out like you asked. It is a lovely office and I'll be sure to vote for you when the time comes! (The only one thing that I would add is a little more color otherwise it's beautiful)

2020-08-04 06:45:10

Yes @Born to be Wild - it is indeed supposed to be light themed, I only realised that after I submitted the design D:

2020-08-04 06:49:50
Elena Z

Hi, thanks a lot for your comment. I like the grey and green combination, and the use of the cabinets to frame the windows.. We had almost the same idea regarding the conference room...:) It may look a little dark but not really if you take in the light green wall with the windows..

2020-08-04 07:06:12
sally k

Thanks for the comment, wow i love the green.

2020-08-04 09:51:05
Victória Scorpioni

I really love your desing!! i'ts a little dark? Yeah, but i really like that even more! Tank you for your kindness comment in my design at page 17.

2020-08-04 12:24:25

Hi thanks for the comment I think yours is really cool you have my vote.

2020-08-04 12:53:59
Miriam Sbarufatti

I really like it!! Check out mine on page 8 or if you click on my profile you can see it

2020-08-04 13:24:11

I love it (and i almost always don't register a rule until after I submit my project) I like the dark theme and the blues you used i think you did an amazing job

2020-08-04 23:33:56
Flame X Rose

I love the color combo. I really love the green color. Please check mine out on page 7 and give your opinion or criticsm in the comment. Thanks :)

2020-08-05 00:17:12
Miriam Sbarufatti

You are soo good at this! please check out my design on page 8 or click on my profile

2020-08-05 12:51:45

i like your workspace and coloring please votefor me on page 1

2020-08-07 02:09:42

LOve it, such creative one, i would love to see renders, it feels a little bit crowded but i am sure if we see renders it will feel different

2020-08-07 10:19:32
Victória Scorpioni

Hey Yeqoan! I'm back and I voted for you. Come by my project in page 17. Thank you already!

2020-08-07 14:31:48

Cool design. Voted for you :) Please check out mine on page 8 :)

2020-08-07 14:36:01

nice design plz check my design on page 32 and vote if you like it

2020-08-07 18:35:38
Huzaifah Al-Quraishi

Hi! wow urs is amazing .... i love the colors, im voting! vote for me on pg 17 ill rlly appreciate it, help me out plz

2020-08-07 20:43:30

Thanks for checking out my design, I love how spacious your office looks and the plenty of storage spaces you designed against the walls :)

2020-08-07 21:05:13

Hello Yeqoan. I saw your comment, thank you! :) Your design looks awesome! :) I don't know why, but the way the white desks are arranged, it looks like dogbones to me haha XD. I like the green :)

2020-08-08 03:34:49
Anonymous :)

This is really nice. I love the colors. The layout is cute and there’s a bunch of storage space. I like how there is a bunch of dark green and black but then that’s balanced by light green and white. Great job. I voted for you.

2020-08-09 14:20:16
Marwah Akbur

I wouldn't make this my office room...

2020-08-09 15:04:14

Wow! I really love everything in this office I has all the elements of an office. The color combines well with everything. Nice job! Check out mine on page 2. Please vote if you like it and comment honest opinions. Thanks

2020-08-09 16:04:37