Aarna Gupta

Commentaires (10)

Aarna Gupta

hope you like it and pleas e vote for me!

2020-08-03 04:57:47
Aarna Gupta

hope you like it and pleas e vote for me!

2020-08-03 04:57:47
Aarna Gupta

hope you like it and pleas e vote for me!

2020-08-03 04:57:47

I love it! you chose great colors and your office consists of everything an office would need. great job!

2020-08-04 15:56:36

Hello, please check my project in page 33 https://planner5d.com/fr/contests/works/?page=33 And Renders : https://planner5d.com/storage/s/a7d566b3f85fffb94d2a67bcd672dd8e_3534060.jpg?v=1596654661 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/a7d566b3f85fffb94d2a67bcd672dd8e_3534068.jpg?v=1596656714 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/a7d566b3f85fffb94d2a67bcd672dd8e_3534064.jpg?v=1596655468 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/a7d566b3f85fffb94d2a67bcd672dd8e_3534057.jpg?v=1596654816 And please just leave your page number in my comment project with your renders and i will for sur give you a feedback more specific

2020-08-05 20:52:17

the layout looks super specially the chair colors. I really liked it please check my work on https://planner5d.com/contests/works/?page=32

2020-08-06 14:12:02

Hi, I really like your planner!! I like the way you spaced out the tables and work spaces so there is plenty of room. But, I think that the colors are a little dull. The description said to have bright/vibrant colors. But other than that it looks great! Please check out mine on page 2!!! Hope you like it

2020-08-06 16:41:39
Born to be Wild

Thanks for your comments, voted for you

2020-08-07 04:47:12

I love your design!!!

2020-08-07 09:51:01

Wow! Nice design and the layout too. love the walls. Check out mine on page 2 .Please vote if you like it and comment honest opinions. Thanks

2020-08-09 06:14:08