Random Human

Commentaires (11)

Random Human

Pls include tips and improvements that caan be made for next time! i wont find them offencive and am open to feedback

2020-07-14 06:45:07
Random Human

YAY I GOT PAGE 25!!!! thats my best yet!! ya coming in fast!! and i think the new textures are part oof the challenge thing where we get acesses to some stuff and not acceses to other stuff wait lettme try.. but still if you've seen the new paintings like the autum* tree one. OHH WAIT i just relised that some of u guys call autum Fall

2020-07-14 06:51:23

Hello, please check my Livingroom https://planner5d.com/fr/contests/detail/11555 And Renders : https://planner5d.com/storage/s/470f7757a72d24a9ba2e13de17c5609b_1.jpg?v=1594671568 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/470f7757a72d24a9ba2e13de17c5609b_3.jpg?v=1594672065 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/470f7757a72d24a9ba2e13de17c5609b_4.jpg?v=1594672086 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/470f7757a72d24a9ba2e13de17c5609b_5.jpg?v=1594678896

2020-07-14 12:00:10

WOW! This looks fantastic! I love the color combo and the way you arranged the furniture! I would love it if you could checkout my project if you like/comment I will do the same for you! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/11894/

2020-07-16 17:53:54
Random Human

Thank You!!!

2020-07-17 04:30:22
Aarna Gupta

hi,You have a very nice living room,i love it all,your choices make up the perfect living room.I voted for you please vote for me! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/11309https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/11309

2020-07-17 14:11:00
Aarna Gupta

you could add more furniture and colour

2020-07-17 14:11:34

I think you could add a splash of color here and there, but otherwise it is AWESOME!!! And also I love the giant TV made of a bunch of little ones. It is soo cool! I voted for you! Could you please do the same for my brother (SSJ) on page 14, and me, on page 13? Thank you! I would really appreciate it! :-)

2020-07-17 14:30:01

And I love your name. Random Human sounds kind of cool!

2020-07-17 14:30:47

hi,You have a very nice living room,i love it all,your choices make up the perfect living room.I voted for you please vote for me!

2020-07-18 08:35:09
Random Human

Thanks NKJ and Aarana Gupta! Looking back i agree i could've added more colour but yea also sorry i didn't check out any of ur projests u see i dont have any time in the morning cause alot of the time i get the train to school and u know other times im AT school so yea but ill try look more and all ur designs look great

2020-08-06 04:05:17