Halloween room 5381889 by Doggy image



Комментарии (18)
Hi, i was wondering if you can make me a house since I saw what you said on your profile. If not, that is so okay, and anyways I love your projects!!!
2021-10-27 21:26:06
Btw, can you reply on my page when you see?
2021-10-27 21:28:44
2021-10-28 12:33:33
Do you know when you could have it finished, not to seem pushy! Im not trying to rush you if you know what mean
2021-10-28 14:31:14
Hi Doggy! Its me. I had to delete my old account. If you could please send the house to me on this account instead?
2021-11-16 13:03:13
ok, i dont think I will be able to finish it soon, I dont have much time to work on it, but Ill send you what I have.
2021-11-16 14:02:39
2021-11-17 11:41:18
thats perfectly fine
2021-11-17 11:41:39
Hey iuts still me is the house almost done?
2021-12-06 16:10:27
I havent had much time to work on it, and my premium ran out, so here is what I have so far. https://planner5d.com/gallery/floorplans/LLcLcZ/ you will have to open it in 3d
2021-12-10 13:30:58
2021-12-10 23:33:53
So made this project for you. Can you check it out? Its a Thank you For making the house for me :https://www.homestyler.com/projectDetail/61b3736b57c4840b3a399c28 Click the first render to see all the other ones!
2021-12-10 23:45:07
2021-12-10 23:45:39
2021-12-12 13:37:04
Your welcome did you like it?
2021-12-13 13:14:29
Yes!!! It was awesome!!!
2021-12-13 13:21:16
alright thanks!
2021-12-13 14:10:28
what did you like the most? And keep looking at my acc because Im making a lot of new projects for my friends and other people on Homestyler. Its better than planner i think because you can get more things without paying and its realistic too.
2021-12-13 14:13:01