День святого Валентина

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Комментарии (8)


Oops! Just realized the light is out in space, that was supposed to be in the middle of the room.

2021-02-08 15:16:10
User 20244259

wow you have convinced me that blue says valentine just as much as pink/red does!!! All the colours complement each other and look great together so well done!!! pls see mine on p.41

2021-02-08 16:23:08

Thank you so much Dream Designs ;)!!! I'm glad you like it, and I'll be sure to check your's out!

2021-02-08 17:11:43
Ava Burns

I LOVE IT!! PLS check out ALL my designs by clicking on my name!

2021-02-08 22:07:23

Thank you so much Ava Burns! I'll be sure to check yours out!

2021-02-08 22:50:28
Ellie ;)

Hi, no Harsh feelings, but I don't see the valentine's theme. I like the turn you took on the traditional theme. I really have nothing else to say about your design. Maybe if you just added more accessories on the walls, a rug, and an armchair or sofa? If you could comment and review my design that would be lovely Thanks!!

2021-02-11 15:21:37
Ellie ;)

I wasn't complaining, I was just stating something you and I both did wrong. I too wish I added more color into my space.

2021-02-14 01:24:35

I agree, looking back at mine, I definitely went a bit overboard with the blue, and probably should've had a bit more diverse of a color scheme. I feel like with these contests, there's always something you would've changed if you could, but it's too late, because you already turned it in. Color is definitely something I will pay more attention too, thank you for highlighting that.

2021-02-14 12:47:12