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Комментарии (6)


Hi! I really like your project! Please check out my kitchen and leave a comment! https://planner5d.com/it/contests/detail/7837

2020-06-24 13:39:23

wow! its so good! i will definitely vote for u when voting starts, please vote for me! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/7828

2020-06-25 15:27:16

Hi! I voted for you, I hope you'll vote for me! https://planner5d.com/it/contests/detail/7837

2020-06-26 10:05:21
Hall Pat

Hola vote por tu proyecto, agradecería mucho si votaras por el mío :) https://planner5d.com/es/contests/detail/7669 Aquí un render de mi proyecto. https://planner5d.com/storage/s/60794df52cb51e14889afede2880acad_3438586.jpg?v=1592834868 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/60794df52cb51e14889afede2880acad_3438717.jpg?v=1592838566

2020-06-26 13:44:55

its rly good! i like it! i voted for u, i would appreciate it if u would vote for me! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/7828

2020-06-26 16:26:51

I really like your design, I like the colors and style. I voted for you. Please vote for me too!! Here's the link:) https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/8468/

2020-06-26 20:17:05