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Серый и желтый интерьер

Спроектируйте детскую спальню с зоной для сна и учебы, местом для игрушек. Основные цвета - серый и желтый.


Комментарии (3)



2021-01-11 15:48:44

Hi! I can tell that this is a boy's bedroom (unless i'm wrong). One thing though, I see more reds and blues and blacks than yellow and gray. Next time when you want to make a bedroom with this theme for a boy, make a darker yellow, more of a gold. Overall I think you did a good job at designing the space. Please look at mine on page 81.

2021-01-12 15:54:27

thanks I'll do that next time

2021-01-13 14:53:53