Спальня с балконом

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Комментарии (6)


Oh, I found where those long lost books went. Lmao

2020-06-04 02:52:57
Interior Designsss

Nice room! I love the gradient colors of the books!

2020-06-04 03:04:52

Wonderful design .I love the colors. I'll vote for you. Can you vote for me on page 52

2020-06-04 07:27:03
Bruce Harris

Excellent use of colors and space, with plenty of storage! I like it. Check out my design https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/3846 to check out mine for ideas in the future and keep it up, we all grow with time. Have fun and like my design if you can appreciate it.

2020-06-05 21:34:11

i voted for you, please vote for me!! on page 8. https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/3643/

2020-06-05 21:59:03
Mohammed Aiyesh

hey there, i really love your design! i will vote for you if you vote for me! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/3585

2020-06-06 06:04:48