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Комментарии (15)

Born to be Wild

Thank you Ольга!! Your words mean a lot :-) Merry Christmas!! I love your design, the green walls look very good. The white dining table with the Red decorations looks very elegant. Overall it totally ties together the holiday theme !!

2020-12-21 16:38:30
Richard Brown

beautifully done. I really love this. What is your name. i want to mention you in the Credits. I just finished A video on the Unusual Home. Thanks much. give me your name in english so my keyboard can recognize it.

2020-12-21 16:39:01

Меня зовут Olga

2020-12-21 16:48:58

Привет, Ольга! Mакет очень хороший! Сиденья под окном мне очень нравятся, декор стен тоже очень креативный, а самый любимый - коврик Деда Мороза. С Рождеством!

2020-12-21 18:18:51
Hall Pat

Hola Olga que bonito trabajo tan lleno de detalles y texturas tan de acuerdo al tema, me encanta *u* algo que me gustó mucho de su diseño fue ese comedor tan grande e ideal para estas épocas. Muy lindo. Muchas gracias por su comentario es muy importante :)

2020-12-21 18:43:56
Milica G.

Hi Olga :), this is very bold and beautiful! I love those seats underneath the windows and the fact that they are multifunctional and can be used as a storage for books, as well. I also love arrangement next to fireplace and the way the frames are integral part of the wall. The whole place is full of positive energy, I'd like to be there for a Christmas :)).

2020-12-21 18:48:39

Very nice project. If you want and have the time, I invite you to rate my project on p. 23. I wish you happy holidays

2020-12-21 22:31:07
Potato chip

Thank you for your comments. Your room looks very good. I like the look of the table.

2020-12-23 01:21:19

I will vote for you later. Good job! :)

2020-12-23 01:56:41

The armchair side of window looks so cozy, I feel I can sit on it while enjoy cup of tea in the morning with family :)

2020-12-23 02:00:49
Somono Alpha

привет ольга !!! большое спасибо за ваш комментарий. Ваш проект тоже очень хорош!это так креативно и красочно

2020-12-23 10:42:14
Hall Pat

Hola Olga muchas gracias por su apoyo, yo también estaba feliz cuando encontré su proyecto desde luego tiene mi voto, (desde ayer me parece.) Lamentó no haberle dicho antes, pero e tenido poco tiempo disponible. De cualquier forma espero que su diseño gane o al menos entre en el top. Es precioso.

2020-12-23 19:46:18
Elena Z

Hi, thanks a lot for your nice comment. I like your project a lot, especially the wall with the small stars! I wish you a Merry Christmas

2020-12-24 12:14:46

Hi! It's beautiful. The decoration became especially beautiful. I wish you a Merry Christmas :)

2020-12-24 20:34:48

this is beautiful.... merry christmas olga!

2020-12-25 05:42:01