Спроектируйте гостиную комнату с обеденным столом, в которой должна быть рождественская елка. Основные цвета интерьера - зелёный и красный.
So grand and beautiful! The framing of the Xmas tree is perfect!
2020-12-21 02:02:31I like your Christmas design! If you get the chance check out mine on page 4.
2020-12-21 02:25:34I love th Christmas design I will vote you if i can last week i cant vote you i cannot press the heart if i can this week i will vote you.Come to my project anytime its on page 5 merry christmas :)
2020-12-21 03:13:16Wonderful design. The colors are great and the placement of the furniture really works! Merry Christmas
2020-12-21 04:51:25your design project brightening my day! I like the way you decorate this room. It's really works
2020-12-21 07:45:31Merry Christmas! Your design is beautiful and vibrant. You have captured the essence and spirit of the holidays :-)
2020-12-21 07:55:00great eye-catching project as always!!! like the vibes. but I think if you used a simple rug it would be better. but anyway WELL DONE!!! Stay safe and happy . MERRY CHRISTMAS to all!!!
2020-12-21 08:00:58plz check mine on page 9 . tnx sweetie!!! ;)
2020-12-21 08:01:42I love the red and gold it is really warming and I love the Christmas tree with the presents. My only feedback is to make the green a little brighter but that's all for now if you want can you check out mine on age 3
2020-12-21 12:56:37Great design. I like how you used multiple textures without making it look tacky or unorganized. The arrangement of the living room and dining area is really nice. The red and gold curtains are also a nice touch. Good job!
2020-12-21 13:28:12I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! I think you added a little too many presents but that doesn't matter. I also love the green couches and red chairs. Nice job and Happy Holidays!
2020-12-21 13:33:53what a good use of colors is very beautiful, happy holidays
2020-12-21 17:48:50Ух ты! Как ярко и празднично!!!! Мне нравится всё! Умное распределение мебели. ---С любой точки сидения, есть обзор всего пространства! Молодец!
2020-12-21 18:10:13Hi, your design looks great! I like the colors of the chairs and the sofa, and the curtains look nice too. Merry Christmas!
2020-12-21 19:09:29Absolutely love the brightness of your design. Please let me know what you think of mine on page 38
2020-12-21 19:11:43Здорово!!!! Праздничная атмосфера! Удачно расставлена мебель и подобраны сочетания цвета и в текстиле и в текстурах! Понравился дизайн!!))
2020-12-22 11:06:11i feels so happy to see this... the color you use for your wall and the curtains fit so well. love it! good luck for next design. and pls visit mine. do drop your comment on my design. :))
2020-12-23 06:16:10UUU, what a beautiful design. The sight of this room immediately delighted me. Everything is so beautifully laid out, selected beautiful colors that you skillfully combined between the furniture, walls and floor. Really great. If you have the time and want to comment on my design, which is on page 23. I wish you happy holidays.
2020-12-23 06:21:34I think there is to much red and not enough red. But I like it. Please check out mine
2020-12-23 15:43:47ГОЛОСОВАЛА!!! УЖАСНАЯ СИСТЕМА СТАЛА!((((
2020-12-23 15:57:03I like it Please vote.
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