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Стиль Марокко

Спроектируйте гостиную, кухню с обеденной зоной в марокко стиле.

Rizki Agustin

Комментарии (19)

Paris dreamer

Hey Rizki! Once again, very clever design, good job! I will post what page mine is one when I finish!

2020-12-15 14:59:58

hello Rizki ! congrats on getting a place among top 5 in the previous competition ! regarding this design , its full of Moroccan vibes and the colors u chose are very bold and lovely . great job ! would u mind checking my work and telling me what u think of it ? have a nice day :)

2020-12-15 17:42:40

Гармония, уют, ощущение праздника!))))Со вкусом подобран декор . Хорошее сочетание цвета. Молодец

2020-12-15 21:23:46
Milica G.

Hi Rizki! Your vision of Moroccan style is very intersting. I love the layout and wall decoration and I especially like that shade of cinnamon red on the walls.

2020-12-16 15:28:59
Paris dreamer

Hi! I am back! Like I said, very neat design! Please check mine out on page 45! Thank you for your support!

2020-12-16 15:39:08
Hall Pat

Hola! Muchas gracias por su comentario. La mezcla de rojo y marrón es muy acogedora, los detalles en las paredes son muy lindos, creo sin duda que es un muy buen trabajo.

2020-12-16 18:25:04

Hi, it is a really nice project. I like the wall color, the layout is very good too, and the decor is fantastic, I love it!

2020-12-16 19:16:44

Good job! So many really nice entries on this design battle.

2020-12-17 00:54:32
Somono Alpha

Hi Rizki !!! A simple but nice design , love the red wall. lovethe details.

2020-12-17 18:08:00
Somono Alpha

plz take a look at mine on page 6 tnx!!! ;))

2020-12-17 18:08:34
yossi moskovitz

wow!!!!!!!!!!!! i will be glad if you look at my progect on page 15

2020-12-17 19:19:51

Проголосовала за твою красивую работу)

2020-12-18 12:10:32

thank u ! i want to vote for u but i dont know how with this new update . any help ?

2020-12-18 15:04:03
Hall Pat

Votado, aún me confunde el nuevo método de votación así que te ofrezco una disculpa y espero que si aparezca el voto :)

2020-12-18 16:04:22
Milica G.

Hi Rizki, I voted but when I click heart it takes me to some new method of voting which I don't understand yet..I am offered various pairs of contestants, but I don't know how to find your work..

2020-12-18 16:34:39

Hi, do you know anything about this new system, how did you manage to vote? I started by pairs, but the system always throws me out at the half :((. I tried...

2020-12-18 16:49:01

У меня так получилось, что я за тебя проголосовала уже 3 раза!))))))))) Ха! Вот это они сделали!!!(

2020-12-18 18:39:59
Milica G.

I have finally managed to stumble upon your work and to vote it! I see your are doing pretty good :). Good luck!

2020-12-19 20:54:22

I was finally able to come to your project so I could vote. You have prepared a really nice project

2020-12-20 08:46:36