Тропическая спальня с балконом

Спроектируйте спальню, которой основная тема - тропики. Интерьер должен быть светлый с зелёными акцентами.

thuy giang le tran

Комментарии (11)


Hi, I love your project! The natural colors and the rattan on the wall is fantastic, I like the decor too. The whole room makes a real tropical feeling.

2020-12-08 17:36:21
thuy giang le tran

many thanks you!

2020-12-08 18:17:43

So tropical i think this project just like in side a tree house in a rain forest i will vote you please vote mine

2020-12-09 02:46:31
Somono Alpha

Wow wow wowwwww!! To be honest I've seen a lot of projects but this one is sth else! I'm obsessed with the idea of Parquet . Well done.

2020-12-10 16:43:38
Somono Alpha

Plz check mine on page 32.tell me what you think about i.

2020-12-10 16:44:14
thuy giang le tran

#Anpha Pup, thanks for your opinion.

2020-12-10 17:07:38
thuy giang le tran

#Somono i will check your project and many thanks for comments.

2020-12-10 17:11:02

Понравился проект . Хорошо подобранная текстура для пола и стен, что создают покой и уют. Хорошо расставлена мебель. Голосую.

2020-12-11 08:09:10

I voted.

2020-12-11 18:15:52

I voted for you,, because your project I like verry much. if you think my project deserves your vote, get it on p. 34. thank you

2020-12-12 16:50:18
Richard Brown

yesssssss. loving nthis. i voted.

2020-12-12 21:44:50