Загрузить приложение Planner 5D Начни использовать приложение, чтобы улучшить свой опыт и открыть все мобильные функции

Контрастный интерьер

Создайте дизайн интерьера спальни, используя два контрастных цвета.


Комментарии (7)


I used yellow and blue, I know, they rant contrasting but then are close enough. Make sure to check out my renders! https://planner5d.com/gallery/floorplans/LOdPeZ Thanks!

2021-08-02 13:23:50
Huzaifah Al-Quraishi

Hi, your bedroom is amazing and similar to mine, i have the same wall color.:) It looks cool and you followed the instructions. I invite you to my project on page 94. i think so.

2021-08-02 16:41:45

Thanks! I will look at yours!

2021-08-04 12:33:35

Hello Doggy! Nice design. I think the colors are great. My only problem would be I dont love the layout

2021-08-04 14:29:16


2021-08-04 21:54:11
User 20244259

cool design!! i love the colours and I like the 2 bedside tables with the lights above them!! well done and please see mine,

2021-08-05 11:22:37


2021-08-05 12:43:39