Кухня и гостиная в старом городе

Спроектируйте дизайн интерьера кухни и гостиной в старом городе. Основные цвета интерьера - белый и коричневый.


Комментарии (15)

User 12006058

2020-11-09 04:35:00

I will vote you! Come see me on page 1! I have so renders on my page!! Thanks! We are the World! :)

2020-11-09 12:18:08
User 12006058

2020-11-09 21:25:37
User 12006058

2020-11-09 21:25:48

Thanks Sleepy Doggy I would love to see your room if you could tell me what page its on.

2020-11-10 02:26:00

looks amazing i am on page 8

2020-11-10 13:50:49
User 12006058

2020-11-10 15:44:36

Wow you really have a talent. If you want you should check out mine and vote for me. Keep doing what you love!!! I am on page 22. Please Comment on my piece.

2020-11-10 16:30:15

Very nice design. Everything is so right. Beautiful colors, good organization of space, good choice of materials. Great. I invite you to view my project on p. 24

2020-11-10 16:44:14
User 12006058

2020-11-13 00:29:16
Huzaifah Al-Quraishi

Hi, wowwww! Fantastic, I love this project! i like the sofa area the most! very nice and amazing! i voted for you! please vote for me on page 1. Thanks!

2020-11-13 20:40:04

an old town classic home as it should be, loving every thing about this design starting from the arrangement of furniture up to the color scheme and wallpaper! I voted for u , would u mind voting for me too ? thanks :)

2020-11-13 22:06:15
Rizki Agustin


2020-11-14 02:49:38

I thought the pink would not go together but they work beautiful together! Voted.

2020-11-15 12:20:03
Noah Balog

i'm 18 and i love it i think it's nice and please look at my house it's on page 20 thanks and i will vote but if you vote me to!

2020-11-15 19:34:30