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Bailey the Beagle

Комментарии (12)

Love animals

It’s weird we are sisters

2020-05-26 19:35:08
Love animals

But cool

2020-05-26 19:35:18
Bailey the Beagle

Hey u watch ur mouth

2020-05-26 19:35:31
Bailey the Beagle

I can see ur iPad now

2020-05-26 19:36:13
Love animals

But it’s weird and cool why aren’t there any lights sister of mine

2020-05-26 19:36:16
Love animals

Ha nobody even looked at it

2020-05-26 19:36:44
Bailey the Beagle

Jerk sister! I can’t believe u adopted me!!!

2020-05-28 14:17:00
Bailey the Beagle

Isn’t anyone gonna vote for me! The cute pup!!!

2020-05-28 14:18:35
Bailey the Beagle

I made it dark so nobody would see me

2020-05-28 14:28:36
Bailey the Beagle

And I could take tons of secret naps in hiding places! DUH!!!

2020-05-28 14:29:21
Bailey the Beagle

People never take it from a dog

2020-05-28 14:50:00
Vela photography

I like it it kinda looks like it would be in a winter cabin with all those winter colors super cute if you have time check out mine https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/3159

2020-05-30 19:49:28