Комната через два этажа

Спроектируйте кухню с обеденной зоной, гостиную и рабочее место.


Комментарии (4)


it is the first time that i am testing this application i am proud of my self

2020-10-26 14:42:30
Madeline Cyfko

Woah, you should be proud of yourself! You have slammed this project. I will be voting for you! Please comment on my page! Thanks! :)

2020-10-26 14:45:08


2020-10-29 19:46:33
Huzaifah Al-Quraishi

HI, I REALLY LIKE your project! The office area feels very cozy! Also the living room area looks awesome and elegant! The kitchen is amazing too! The wallpaper matches everything! super good in designing! i voted for your project! please vote for me on page 1 Thanks!!!!!:)

2020-10-31 23:52:49