Две спальни для сестер

Спроектируйте две спальни для сестер. Первой спальни основной цвет зелёный, другой - желтый.


Комментарии (5)


i think that its a very nice layout but i think all the same walls would have been better check me out on page 46

2020-10-22 00:08:40

vota no meu pag 7

2020-10-22 17:56:29

i agree. it

2020-10-24 05:38:25

it is a nice layout but you could have more pieces of stuff and could change in different colors. anyway. voted for you. good luck

2020-10-24 05:39:23
Huzaifah Al-Quraishi

Hi! I love your project! it looks AMAZING and bright! The two bedroom looks very cozy and a very nice to sleep! The relax room looks awesome! i really like the way you arranged everything!! VERY VERY TALENTED IN DESIGNING! i Voted for your project! Please vote for me on page 1! Thanks!:)

2020-10-25 15:36:56