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Комментарии (9)

User 20244259

love it! it is spcaious and airy yet with space for storage and a pool table! I love the bright yellow car too! please see mine and good luck

2021-05-31 20:09:15

Thank You TGOD :) I'll surely see yours !!!!

2021-06-01 04:32:14


2021-06-01 06:27:53

Хорошая работа! В меру декора и полок ! Всё чётко и ясно... Хороший выбор текстуры стены с креативной покраской!)))

2021-06-01 11:31:56

Огромное спасибо Ольге :)

2021-06-03 09:53:37
Born to be Wild

Hey Mehaanshi, love the design. I love the way you have put in the car and bike and made the design accordingly. The gray theme is very industrial and gives a nice vibe to the garage

2021-06-04 05:46:57
Hall Pat

Hola Mehaanshi! Disculpa la tardanza, muchas gracias por tu comentario, me gusta lo espacioso que se mantuvo tu diseño y como el usar materiales claros ayudo mucho a que el ambiente se mantuviera limpio y la habitación se mirara más amplia. Buen trabajo.

2021-06-04 15:44:23

LOVE it!

2021-06-05 12:15:35

Thank You, Sandhya, Hall, and sz :)

2021-06-06 07:42:27