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I would live in it!
2020-09-28 16:42:50It kind of reminds me of a beach house!
2020-09-28 17:24:21A kinda modern, kinda beachy, kinda artsy, kinda penthouse-y?
2020-09-28 17:25:29Here is how to take renders. So go to your project that you want to take the renders in and if it is a contest design project you will be in veiw mode so make a copy of the project and then open it. Then click the camera in the top right corner and then go to the angle that you want the snapshot to show and click save. Then it will ask you to choose screen shot, HD or draft. I normally do draft to check the lighting then if I like it I change it to normal but you can choose. (draft will turn out blurry and does not use up a render) Then once you choose the type a window will pop up saying, Your snapshot will show up in your snapshots section after awhile, click ok then go to your snapshots section and it should load then show up. (normally takes like 5-10 min) Then If it was a draft and you like it you can click on the three dots and change it to HD then it will not look blurry but if you already did HD then you can skip that part. Then click send to gallery and name it, add a description and click submit.
2020-09-29 11:48:51Then go to the Get ideas page and click renders and visualizations. Then find yours, copy the link in your tab and paste it in your comments. I hope this helps you comment on mine if you need more info.
2020-09-29 11:48:55Renders will only work if you have them, So click on your name in the top right corner and see how many renders you have. If you have 0 you cant take renders and if you have like 5 you would have 5 renders left
2020-09-29 11:49:57Hi! i like your design its beautiful. keep on improving! Please visit my design also at page 26, thank you! vote for me:) I will vote for you too!
2020-09-29 12:34:38Thank you everyone!
2020-09-29 14:52:38Hola! Muchas gracias por tus comentarios, eres muy agradable y amable, me alegra saber que te tomas la molestia de traducir mis comentarios, lamento no hacerlo yo mismo pero no se mucho del inglés y me da temor que escriba algo mal y quedé como un tonto xD G Fuera de eso voy con tu proyecto, es muy bueno, ame el uso de el color azul ya que es un buen contraste sin ser tan evidente, además me parece que da vida al proyecto y un toque divertido y atrevido. Creo que el como colocaste el mobiliario ayuda a qué la habitación fuera más espaciosa. Buen trabajo! Votaré por ti en cuanto sea posible. :)
2020-09-30 18:35:24¡No te preocupes por nada, Hall Pat!
2020-09-30 20:26:24Hi Izzy, pretty sure you love paintings. I like your design ideas. great job. keep on improving!
2020-10-01 00:32:41i like also the set-up of your bed. you can wake up facing outside!
2020-10-01 00:33:25Yup! I loooove to paint!
2020-10-01 01:21:52Thank you for your comment. Your room looks very good.
2020-10-01 16:24:49Thanks!
2020-10-01 16:25:36Votado! :)
2020-10-02 03:26:04Thank you!
2020-10-02 03:34:35Very nice design :) I love the steal pop of color! You get my vote! I would be really happy if you took the time to visit my design! :)
2020-10-03 13:08:42Thank you!
2020-10-03 14:40:11Do you know what page you are on? It would be helpful if you knew cause then I don't have to scroll through all the pages ¯\_(ヅ)_/¯
2020-10-03 14:43:24Never mind! I remembered I can just click on your name and see all of you projects!
2020-10-03 14:47:27Вы ранее зарегистрировались с этими электронными адресами:
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