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For my design I decided to go for a dark blue/ navy and a bright yellow bedroom. I wanted it to feel bright and quite airy too. Leave me feedback in the comments!

2021-05-10 17:50:48

I Love it!!!

2021-05-10 18:06:52

I love the blue and yellow I think it is very nice with the rest of the room. your layout is nice and I love the pictures. Good job and good luck!

2021-05-10 21:28:20
User 20244259

i really love the colour combo and it definitely feels luxurious! the pictures are nice too. I have noticed that you normally use this flooring so maybe to improve you can change the flooring next time - this comment is to be helpful and i dont mean to offend!!! please see mine

2021-05-12 14:32:24
Mari Mond

you really like using that floor girl! (it's your brand) haha ​​i like it but i agree with @TheGeniusOfDesign. the yellow and blue theme is perfect, I liked the pictures on the wall, the highlight of the mirror and also the seating area. good job and good luck! :)

2021-05-12 23:07:05

haha thanks everyone and Mari mond that made me smile! I’m really glad you all like my theme! Best of luck to all of you!

2021-05-13 05:11:17

Интересный дизайн базовых цветов, которые перекликаются по проекту!)). Главное , что синий с жёлтым добавлен в меру и разбавлен белым цветом. Картины красиво смотрятся в нужном месте.

2021-05-14 15:35:23

Спасибо Мия)))

2021-05-14 20:09:18