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Комната в пастельных тонах

Спроектируйте кухню с обеденной зоной и гостиной. Интерьер должен быть в пастельных тонах.

Born to be Wild

Комментарии (10)

User 15281715

2020-09-14 18:00:29

Nice! The living area has a slight touch of tropical/ bali-esque feel to it

2020-09-15 05:53:28
Born to be Wild

Thanks for your review Erin. Generally i do like to place plants wherever possible :-)

2020-09-15 06:05:13
Born to be Wild

Thanks Yeqoan

2020-09-15 06:05:54
печенье выпечка

i really like your design and how you combined different types of green with the different types of brown if you want to check out mine it is on page 17

2020-09-16 13:34:04

Hi! Thank you for your comments!!! Your work is nice!!

2020-09-17 19:13:30
User 15281715

2020-09-18 02:40:53
User 12006058

2020-09-18 16:04:10

I like how you have add more colors then pastel.

2020-09-18 16:50:11

Creative! I love the plant theme. Voted for you! Pls vote for me!

2020-09-19 13:05:49