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This is my design battle this week, I went for the colours pink and red as to me that symbolises Mother’s Day as well as love! Please leave feedback on this to help me improve! Good luck to everyone! :-)
2021-04-26 18:07:42oh no, some of the decor I did is missing! Sorry, when I submitted it it was there but it’s not now.
2021-04-26 18:08:57Yeah it needs more decor! I love all the red and pink and the wood accents! Good Job!
2021-04-26 20:00:50I like it!
2021-04-26 20:37:01I love the red and white theme and i am sorry some of the decor did not show up but it looks great without it anyway. great job and good luck!
2021-04-27 00:33:36Thanks everyone!
2021-04-27 05:13:22This looks good! Even without most of the decor it looks great! You could say that it is for a family that is still moving in if you wanted to tho!!
2021-04-27 13:20:24Hi, thanks for your comment. I really love your colors! The marble wall decor and the pictures are fantastic too. Great work!
2021-04-27 16:27:14Thanks so much! I really appreciate it! :)
2021-04-27 16:51:21Привет, Мия!) Нежный интерьер...) Скандинавия всегда умиляет.. Нравится сочетание нежно-розового и пурпурных акцентов!, что делает атмосферу действительно праздничной!))) И камин красивый и декор стены в центре с картинами очень кстати!!!!,,, Всё продумано чётко! маленький нюансик... какой нибудь штрих ещё и на 4 -ую стену!))) Ну и так прекрасно!))
2021-04-27 18:21:53Спасибо за ваши комментарии! да, я согласен, он действительно нуждается в декоре, но он исчез! Я сделал декор, но его не видно! :(
2021-04-27 18:38:52Hola Mía muchas gracias por tu comentario, eres muy amable. Me gusta la delicadeza en tu diseño, como siempre la elección de colores suaves ayuda mucho para crear un ambiente relajado y tranquilo. Las decoraciones son bonitas y los detalles rojos en las cortinas son realmente brillantes y enmarcan el diseño. La elección del suelo es muy original y se lleva bien con las demás texturas. Buen trabajo. Entiendo por la descripción que se perdió el resto de la decoración, pero en realidad me parece que funciona muy bien así ya que no se ve demasiado lleno y te permite disfrutar de todo lo demás. Claro que es solo una opinión sin ánimos de molestar ;)
2021-04-28 00:08:19Hello to everyone! I would like to get your attention to something that I noticed. I spent 2 hours voting (web via Android) I got to round 130 and saw many projects being repeated, Some I recognized from the photo and others from the profile. Other projects in the first minutes of voting already had 4 stars, some that even when I was voting appeared without a star. And what are these profiles with USER and numbers that appear as false when they like something. I have in my favorites Hall Pat, mia, rizki, rita olahne and others and I couldn't find their projects. Something needs to be done, because anyone who is honest is being deceived.
2021-04-28 02:36:50and I loved your work, very delicate and good layout.
2021-04-28 02:38:26Gracias Hall, estoy tan feliz de que pienses eso, ¡no estaba seguro de cómo era después de que vi que faltaba la decoración!
2021-04-28 05:14:34And yes, Mari Mond something has been going on I’m just not sure what! I’m glad I’m not the only one! And thanks for your comment!
2021-04-28 05:15:16Oh wow, I really like your design. the colors are amazing and the layout .is so beautifully. I love everything in your room. great job and good luck please check out mine on page 9.
2021-04-28 13:41:56pretty! i love the simplicity of the design! it is a really feminine looking room and iis really beautiful, please take a look at mine
2021-04-28 16:23:00Thanks both of you, I’ll comment now!!
2021-04-28 16:56:03THIS IS BEAUTIFUL! I love the red, pink and white theme. And also the layout, It looks soothing! I'm sorry about some decor that should've appeared but didn't, even though without them this design is already looks good. Great work!! :D And thank you so much for your comment
2021-04-29 13:05:35Thank you so much!
2021-04-29 14:26:57Hi Mia!.your design is lovely..I like it..It's simply beautiful..
2021-05-01 11:04:09Thank you!
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