Домашний офис

Спроектируй офис дома с достаточным количеством места для хранения, рабочей зоной и зоной для отдыха.


Комментарии (3)

Sub_Urban Fan

Wow, this is amazing! I really like how you did the shelves and I like the color you did for the furniture and the wallpaper goes really well with the project. if you want, you can check out mine if you like.

2021-04-20 18:20:44

hi! I really like what you have made! The teal is so pretty! Please see mine by clicking my name! And maybe comment?

2021-04-21 16:08:36

Thank you 'Chicano_Pride' and 'Keki'

2021-04-23 06:45:48