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Комментарии (67)


Anyone like My Vintage Living Room!?

2020-08-31 15:44:51

Hello Tiny Dancer! Hek yes! Friggin' love it! This is what I'd imagine the waiting room before getting into heaven would look like. Great job!! (^-^)

2020-08-31 16:03:19

OMG thank you so much! When voting starts I will 101% vote you!! :) :)

2020-08-31 16:21:08

Cool Tiny Dancer!

2020-08-31 16:38:45

Thank you so much! :)

2020-08-31 16:40:06

it is simply beautiful because it is all pink! ahahaha. it's really nice congratulations, but in my opinion you shouldn't have put that floor, maybe a parquet would have been better. If you like, come and see my project too, and if you find something wrong please tell me, and if you like it, rate me. :)

2020-08-31 17:22:24

Thank you so much I like the honesty I will vote you when voting starts! :)

2020-08-31 20:05:01
Scarlett-Rose Morris ❤️

OMG so pretty nice colors they match well done I will vote for ya when voting starts # vote for me plz!!!

2020-08-31 20:47:02
Designer Lia.

omg so cute look at my build on page 6

2020-08-31 22:42:32


2020-09-01 00:03:22
Interior Designsss

Wow! Very pretty! I love the pink!

2020-09-01 02:53:39
Sarah K.

Hi Tnx 4 ur comment, I really love your work, expecially the pink:) I am going to vote for you pls vote for me on page 7 Thank you!!!

2020-09-01 07:58:14

Really like the pink theme. Amazing. I'm on page 8, please vote for me and I'll vote for you as well.

2020-09-01 09:28:49
Sim Dhanda

Love the pink colour scheme. Please vote for me and I'll do the same. Thanks. Sim x.

2020-09-01 09:31:05
Sim Dhanda

I'm on page 8.

2020-09-01 09:31:57
печенье выпечка

I love your design and the light pink is perfect if you want to take a look at mine is in page 20

2020-09-01 13:30:30

I like it, but (no offence), It feels like a little girl designed the room. Maybe add some other colors? Other than that, its really nice! Im on page 13 with you, btw. :>

2020-09-01 14:23:40
Hall Pat

Es muy lindo, creo que el espacio se pudo usar mejor pero es realmente agradable y no creo haber visto muchos usando ese color creo que solo uno, así que es muy original. Procura aprovechar mejor el espacio. Gracias por tu comentario

2020-09-01 14:47:09

Thank you SO SO MUCH I will vote for all of you!! :)

2020-09-01 19:10:30

Thanks for commenting on mine. The pink looks good. But there is a huge empty space. Maybe you could have gone with a different floor too. Other than that, I think you did good.

2020-09-01 19:57:36
Georgia :)

very nice! I will vote for you! plz everyone in the comments vote for me. It is my dream to get to top 5 and I will vote for you. I would really appreciate it!

2020-09-02 04:23:21

Thanks I will vote all of you!! The open space is for dancing. Thanks again!! :)

2020-09-02 11:31:32

Also this room is for Tiny Dancer to dance to her music!!

2020-09-02 11:52:30

I like that everything is so pink :) I will vote for you.

2020-09-02 13:02:18

Thanks iw ill vote u! :)

2020-09-02 15:24:18
Anonymous =)

god job tiny dancer!! i voted for you!

2020-09-02 17:39:44

Hello my name is bibipro1 and your design is spectacular it's very cool. I'm on page 12, if you would like to vote for me, I would appreciate. Goodbye

2020-09-02 19:43:05

Yes I will vote all of you guys! Thanks! :-)

2020-09-03 11:35:18

PLS try to get me to the top 5! EVERY VOTE COUNTS!! ;-)

2020-09-03 11:36:33
Sideways Banana Vote4me :0 :) :>

I LOVE your VINTAGE LIVING ROOM! My favorite color is throughout it PINK! It is so AMAZING, I would Live in there or Die to live in there!

2020-09-03 14:46:31
User 12006058

2020-09-03 16:05:20


2020-09-03 19:32:44

Tonight I will vote all of you guys!! :-)

2020-09-03 19:39:42
Alex Faulkner

Hey. Thanks for commenting on mine. I love your design, it's nice and bright and is different from having all white. Will definitely be voting for you :)

2020-09-03 20:06:59
Hall Pat

Votado! :)

2020-09-04 01:15:24
Interior Designsss

I voted! Please vote for my project! Thank you!

2020-09-04 02:46:05

Hi! your design is very very very very nice! I love it so much. the I adore the pink color, i wishing you luck! i voted for you, please now vote for me

2020-09-04 02:55:15

I mean what can I say. I just want to see it. IIt's just mind glowingly beautiful and so so eye catching. It's pink. and it's looking very pretty in it. But it's a little emppty. I don't know that empty space maybe can make a good dance place. you know someone playing the piano and someone is dancing. and the wall are empty. It's just I think. I like things filled up. It doesnt matter. However, thanks for checking mine. And please vote it. I never won anything here. 5th position is even perfect. You got a lot of support i see. So please help me. My project is in page 18. good day!!

2020-09-04 07:51:48

OMG thank you for voting will be voting you all! :) Thanks again! :)

2020-09-04 11:20:11


2020-09-04 11:24:25
Raghda Ibraheem Mousa

انه عمل رائع جدا جدا وانا صوت لك ارجو ان تصوتي لي الصفحة رقم 1

2020-09-04 15:07:02
King Nessie

Thanks for the comment on mine, and for voting. Pink is not my kind of color, but I can see that anyone who likes pink, loves this. I voted.

2020-09-04 17:32:13

I voted yours! Love the pink and white!

2020-09-04 18:34:41
Cactus Cutie!

Tried to vote you, but didn't work! SORRY! :'(

2020-09-04 18:41:32
Julio Medrano

Muy bonito diseño. Buen trabajo. ¡Felicidades! Cumple con el desafío por los colores claros y el piano. Es para una fiesta de quince años. Hay detalles que por falta de tiempo no puedo comentar para ver todos los diseños y poder votar por los que más me gusten; sin embargo, estoy votando por ti sin compromiso. Te invito a ver el mío en la pág. N° 21. Le das me gusta, si realmente es de tu agrado, sino deja un comentario que también es de importancia y valioso para mí. Gracias y saludos. (Nota: Me hubiera gustado darte un comentario más detallado ya que soy muy observador y crítico hasta que algunos consideran que soy muy duro)

2020-09-04 20:48:41


2020-09-04 22:19:21

I voted some of you today will vote the rest tomorrow! :)

2020-09-04 22:19:57

Thanks for your vote Tiny Dancer! Voted 4 u as wel!! Good luck in the competish!!! \(^♦^)/

2020-09-05 12:29:59

Thank you! (^▽^)

2020-09-05 12:33:49

c'est moche

2020-09-05 15:08:42

omg this is PERFECT!! How could someone NOT vote for this its so cute!

2020-09-05 15:56:35

Thank so much I will vote you!! ;-P

2020-09-05 16:18:43

WOW! I like your design. The pink is nice and subtle - soothing on the eye. Perhaps use a parquet floor instead of wallpaper? Overall, a very beautiful design!

2020-09-06 11:30:11

I voted for ALL of you thank you soo much! Please try to get me to the top 5!! Thanks again! :)

2020-09-06 12:00:20

Please try to get me to 30 votes!?

2020-09-06 12:02:39

Hello, I voted to yours too :)

2020-09-06 15:37:15
Anonymous =)

i voted cause you asked, you have many votes! ❤❤

2020-09-06 17:20:13

OK, thanks I'm trying to get to the top 5!

2020-09-06 19:00:30
Scarlett-Rose Morris ❤️

voted for ya

2020-09-06 20:36:25

OMG thanks!

2020-09-06 20:40:53
Alex Faulkner

Voted :)

2020-09-06 20:49:03
Ricky Williams

i voted like you said thank you

2020-09-06 20:53:45

Thanks! OMG

2020-09-06 21:10:39
User 13286372

2020-09-06 22:21:42


2020-11-26 17:40:38

I love it!!! The pink is really pretty. Please check out mine for this week

2021-02-06 21:41:11

Ok thx!

2021-02-06 23:01:52