Спроектируйте интерьер спальни с ванной и гардеробной. Стиль интерьера - бохо.
it's very pretty! but next time try to change the color of the walls and the floor, they give an extra touch to the project. Come and see my project too, if you find something that you think is wrong tell me, and if you like it, vote me :)
2020-08-27 08:15:56Hey Charllote! I really like your design, the colors and the way you put the furniture. I voted for you. Come by my project in page 18. I hope you like it. https://planner5d.com/pt/contests/works/?page=18 Thank you already!
2020-08-28 14:55:17Вы ранее зарегистрировались с этими электронными адресами:
Мы ценим энтузиазм по поводу нашего продукта, поэтому предлагаем 50% off на первый год.