Дерево, бетон и металл

Спроектируйте интерьер кухни и гостиной с этими материалами - дерево, бетон и металл.


Комментарии (7)


I think yours is great come see mine on page 14! I voted you come vote me! I REALLY WANT TO GET TO THE TOP 5, so please get me there! :) Thanks !! Benjamin Button Lover! STAY SAFE & WASH YO HANDS!

2020-08-21 14:28:11
Hall Pat

Te vote :) suerte. Te agradecería si visitaras mi proyectohttps://planner5d.com/es/contests/works/?page

2020-08-21 15:11:25

Remember me?

2020-08-22 12:28:47

Owen OŃeill?

2020-08-22 12:28:59

Please vote for me I have to get 1st

2020-08-22 12:29:10

now less about me and more about u

2020-08-22 12:29:22

Your layout is like a movie theater and looks veruy comfy. I like the table by the one couch!

2020-08-22 12:29:56