Интерьер гостиничного номера

Спроектируйте интерьер гостиничного номера - спальня с ванной комнатой. Основной цвет интерьера - коричневый.

Adeline R Hayes

Комментарии (11)


hi i really like your project ill vote pls check out mine and if you like it pls vote

2020-08-13 16:37:40

i voted!!! please vote me!!!

2020-08-14 06:04:05

Nice work! Great job on the placement and coloring, you really made it feel like a real hotel room! Great job! Please check out my hotel room and if you like it leave a vote and comment. Thank you and good luck!

2020-08-14 15:33:00

I won't judge the color because i also don't have premuim. Nice room. Feel free to visit mine on page 2.

2020-08-15 05:19:46
Riel Rineer

I like your hotel room you dont have to visit myne but if you want to go to page 33 bed room varite you did great

2020-08-15 20:07:23
Riel Rineer

loved it but I will say go check out my sisters Arianna she did really good shes good where she placeis her stuff to

2020-08-15 20:11:26
Riel Rineer

wasint trying to sound roode when I said but if your thinking of it the way I am

2020-08-15 20:14:36
Riel Rineer

but I realy did like it and Im not just saying this to make you like or coment myne even no I have no likes I want to suport others I like but it would be nice if you liked and comented it or one of them I would realy apreshyate that thank you and your welckum thank you for your time and your welckum for likeing your hotel room I bet your happyer if not put a smile on your face couse today is a nice day and its not to hot or to cold its perfect just like your picure thank you for your time

2020-08-15 20:24:56

That is amazing! i will vote for you please vote for me.

2020-08-16 01:39:23

Hello, please check my project in page 29 https://planner5d.com/contests/works/?page=29 And Renders : https://planner5d.com/storage/s/049bc7285013a0e8c88080981f720622_3544696.jpg?v=1597179304 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/049bc7285013a0e8c88080981f720622_3544701.jpg?v=1597179856 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/049bc7285013a0e8c88080981f720622_3544703.jpg?v=1597180327 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/049bc7285013a0e8c88080981f720622_3544694.jpg?v=1597178813 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/049bc7285013a0e8c88080981f720622_3544705.jpg?v=1597180902

2020-08-16 14:27:16

Please heart mine on page 2

2020-08-16 23:49:02