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Комментарии (6)

User 20244259

the maroon colour is stunning as it brings warmth to the space. The brick wall is very nice and i like the pillar you created. well done on last week, you deserved it;) good luck and please see mine.

2021-03-22 19:40:09

ty you so much for the comment it means so much i left a comment on your

2021-03-22 20:22:23

WOW! I love it! This is amazing! First congrats on 3d last week! Next you did awesome this week! The red is so pretty with the brick! The pole you made is really creative. Please check out mine!

2021-03-23 13:06:49

i will be sure to check out your ty so much for the nice comment

2021-03-23 15:02:49

Hey Maddy. Thank You for your comment. I really liked the layout and the brick wall. The red pops are looking nice too. Good luck :)

2021-03-24 04:31:04

ty so much for you comment

2021-03-24 15:17:04