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Офис открытого типа

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Hall Pat

Комментарии (17)

Potato chip

Thank you for the comment. Your room looks very nice. I like the green and orange books.

2020-08-03 23:02:20
Flame X Rose

Hola Hall Pat :) Gracias por tu comentario. Wow ... me gusta mucho el tuyo. Amo los colores. También me encanta la pared que pones delante del escritorio. También me encantan los libros ... realmente te tomas tu tiempo para eso: v

2020-08-04 00:41:55

Me gusta especialmente me gustan las paredes entre los escritorios que idea creativa buen trabajo

2020-08-04 04:54:17

Thanks for the comment! It looks calm and very neat. I like the shelves by the window, it gives more storage space.

2020-08-04 06:56:29

Hi Hal! I'm so happy to see you taking also this contest. This is another great design and the proof that you have skills. Your signature is the ability of combine functionality and elegance. You have refinite but not pretentious designes. The layout is spot on, as usual. It is a very livable office, which it is appropriate for a working place. You have gone for soft colors that bring all together. The bricks give a sense of motion to the place, and mirroring the effect on those screen it is a touch of class. The small details in bright colors are a genious way to full fill the task of the contest in a very sofisticated way. That floor makes all warm and welcoming. I'm officially a fan of you. Came and have a look to my project at page 16. I warning you. I've gone bonkers with it :D Please, don't forget to write the number of your page.

2020-08-05 13:32:08

Hello, please check my project in page 33 https://planner5d.com/fr/contests/works/?page=33 And Renders : https://planner5d.com/storage/s/a7d566b3f85fffb94d2a67bcd672dd8e_3534060.jpg?v=1596654661 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/a7d566b3f85fffb94d2a67bcd672dd8e_3534068.jpg?v=1596656714 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/a7d566b3f85fffb94d2a67bcd672dd8e_3534064.jpg?v=1596655468 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/a7d566b3f85fffb94d2a67bcd672dd8e_3534057.jpg?v=1596654816 And please just leave your page number in my comment project with your renders and i will for sur give you a feedback more specific

2020-08-05 20:58:05

Hi Hal! Thank you so much for your review. It is always appreciated. Let me tell you that the differences in styles was wanted. All the project is a tribute to my love for science fiction! The two "ready rooms" color scheme are inspirated from Star Trek. The small one are from Star Trek The Original Series. The bigger one is from Star Trek Next Generation :D The black and white tables are a tribute to one of my favourite episodes of Star Trek TOS, "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield", aired in the far 1969. The shelve is in different shades of blue, all the blues used during the years for the Doctor Who's Tardis. The purple elements are from the purple wigs of the female staff of SHADO Moon Base, from the classic series UFO, by Gerry Anderson. To be honest I had so much fun with this project. I would have put more quotes and tributes but anyway I'm happy with that.

2020-08-06 00:00:40
Fátima Carmo

Olá Hall, obrigada pelo teu comentário no meu trabalho! :) Gosto do teu trabalho e as cores que usaste, os livros nas prateleiras estão muito organizados fizeste um trabalho minucioso!

2020-08-06 00:30:28

Lo siento por llegar tarde. Me gusta mucho. buen trabajo.

2020-08-06 16:44:09

Hi Hal! I voted! Good luck with the contest.

2020-08-07 13:48:43

i voted for u, pls vote for me on page 8

2020-08-07 16:24:13
Elena Z

Hallo, first of all thanks a lot for your comment!

2020-08-07 20:34:26
Elena Z

I like your project and the colours you used, and the bookshelf is really original. Voted!

2020-08-07 20:36:07
Elena Z

By the way, I found out that if you click on the name of the people who have left a comment in your project, you can reach their project even if you do not know the page! :;)

2020-08-07 20:37:17

Wow! Nice layout. It has a lot of shelves to store some documents. The color scheme is a great choice. Check out mine on page 2 .Please vote if you like it and comment honest opinions. Thanks

2020-08-09 05:06:49
Anonymous :)

Thanks for the comment. I love what you did with the books! The green ones match the plants and make the room feel very fresh. I also like your idea of using the paintings kind of as dividers. My suggestion would be to push the two desks together because the painting isn’t covering both desks. Other than that great job and I voted for you.

2020-08-09 14:04:18

Hola, ¿como estas? , espero que bien. acabo de publicar un reader, y si no es ninguna molestia agradecería muchísimo saber tu opinión. La verdad, es que he salido mucho de mi zona de comfort , ya que normalmente no suelo hacer exteriores ni utilizar ese tipo de materiales. Yo te aviso, que en comparación con tus proyectos, creo que el exterior este me ha quedado bastante soso, pero aún así ,si no es ninguna molestia, agradecería mucho saber tu opinión :D

2021-03-19 20:37:49