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Привет, весна!

Спроектируйте праздничную комнату с обеденным столом в честь международного дня женщины!


Комментарии (34)


Here are my renders: https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/SK5H1/ https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/SK5H2/ https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/SK5H5/

2021-03-08 01:12:49

Please leave an honest comment and make sure to check out my renders above.

2021-03-08 01:14:08
User 16004304

2021-03-08 03:32:04
Stranger Things Lover

Hi Doggy, I love your design it is beautiful, I love the layout and the colors, I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also really love the blue theme you did, good job and good luck !!!also please check out my design!!!

2021-03-08 11:37:51
Mari Mond

Hi, eu amei seu projeto, esse azul é perfeito e a disposição da mesa ficou diferente do que eu tinha pensado pra ela mas está muito bonito! :)

2021-03-08 12:40:09

Wow! I really like it. I think the color scheme you chose was great. The layout is very creative.

2021-03-08 13:52:34
Madeline Cyfko

It is interesting...the colours are not the most pleasant!Check out mine on page 5

2021-03-08 14:16:39

Thanks Barra!

2021-03-08 15:18:47


2021-03-08 15:19:00

Thanks Stranger Things Lover

2021-03-08 15:19:11

Thanks Mari Mond!

2021-03-08 15:19:26

Thanks Morning dew!

2021-03-08 15:19:40

Thanks Madaline Noob, I´ll make sure to check yours out

2021-03-08 15:20:06

cool! I love the colours, please can you check mine out by clicking on my name and also check out Logan’s, he’s the 1st comment on mine!

2021-03-08 17:21:24

I'll make sure to check out your mia. And logans

2021-03-08 19:36:38
User 12006058

2021-03-08 19:43:05
User 6292819

2021-03-08 20:34:52

I'll make sure to check yours out, Ofi Lee!

2021-03-08 21:50:33

Hi, logan!!!

2021-03-08 21:50:49
Valerie W.

Nice color scheme, very contemporary. Good work!

2021-03-09 02:48:47

Thanks Valerie!

2021-03-09 13:10:43
Happy doggy

Nice job this week!

2021-03-11 14:20:34

Thanks a lot Happy Doggy!

2021-03-11 14:28:08
User 12006058

2021-03-11 21:09:27
Huzaifah Al-Quraishi

Hi, your project is so cool!the colors and wood looks nice and it matches! also i love your renders! i invite you to my project. just click on my name and find my project.

2021-03-13 16:34:26

Hi logan

2021-03-13 16:39:37

Thanks, Huzaifah Shaikh!

2021-03-13 16:40:25
حسن بن عبد الله المخزومى

محمد يا سيدي بحبكم الرجو المنا..... السلام عليكم يامحمد......... وسلا منا لصاحبيك في الجوا ر ابا بكر وعمرا وذنو رين شهدنا وابل حسنين الكرما

2021-03-13 20:28:50

nice room

2021-03-13 20:37:46


2021-03-13 23:25:43
حسن بن عبد الله المخزومى

محمد يا سيدي بحبكم الرجو المنا..... السلام عليكم يامحمد......... وسلا منا لصاحبيك في الجوا ر ابا بكر وعمرا وذنو رين شهدنا وابل حسنين الكرما

2021-03-14 01:37:50
Huzaifah Al-Quraishi

Hi! did you quit planner5d? even logan and Erin left! I clicked on Erin's profile and it said not found! it is getting boring now!

2021-03-29 16:11:20

I saw that too. I hope Logan will come back on. I think since school started he has less time. I will prob be staying on.

2021-03-30 18:44:46