Гостиная с камином

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Yuki Mema

Комментарии (10)

Yuki Mema

I like it more without curtains

2020-07-13 06:23:56

************************ ************************ *********************** Hello, please check my Livingroom https://planner5d.com/fr/contests/detail/11555 And Renders : https://planner5d.com/storage/s/470f7757a72d24a9ba2e13de17c5609b_1.jpg?v=1594671568 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/470f7757a72d24a9ba2e13de17c5609b_3.jpg?v=1594672065 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/470f7757a72d24a9ba2e13de17c5609b_4.jpg?v=1594672086 *********************** *********************** ***********************

2020-07-13 20:46:19

This is super cute! I like how you've split it into two sections! =)

2020-07-15 03:41:29

WOW! This looks fantastic! I love the color combo and the way you arranged the furniture! I would love it if you could checkout my project if you like/comment I will do the same for you! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/11894/ This room is super cozy and cute, love it!

2020-07-16 03:39:44

Amazing room.... Check out mine: https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/11631 :) Pls remember to vote for me if you like it and leave a comment with a link to yours so I can vote for you!

2020-07-16 04:20:59

I like it. But I think it's just a bit too much with three chairs. Please check out mine https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/12009

2020-07-17 04:21:13

Nice room...... I have voted for you pls vote for me................https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/11631

2020-07-17 07:45:14

What an elegant design! I love it! The dark floor makes shine that white that you used. The contrast is amazing but yet there is a lovely, calming balance between the two. The big paint on the wall it's a vibrating splash of color in the room. The layout create two nice zones, both very cozy, where you can spend your time relaxing or chatting with friends and family. Please, have a look to my project and let me know what do you think about it. Don't you forget to paste the link to return here! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/11435

2020-07-17 13:36:40
Interior Designsss

Nice and modern! I voted for you! Please vote for me! Thank you! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/11283

2020-07-17 18:42:21
Anonymous :)

The different shades of brown are nice. My suggestion is to not have the rug crooked. I voted for you. Please check mine out. https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/11275

2020-07-19 17:00:09