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Комментарии (13)

Abdulqoudous Rahmani

Hi! it's so cool, I'll vote for you if you vote mine ,here's my link https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10240 tell me so i can vote for you.

2020-07-08 10:42:38

hello ABDULQODOUS thank you for saying you will vote for me, I will vote for you, here is my link. https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10721/

2020-07-08 14:14:38

Hello, Please check mine https://planner5d.com/fr/contests/detail/10433 Renders : https://planner5d.com/storage/s/c367cc71c1583268752f41fdc39ef13c_1.jpg?v=1594074738 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/c367cc71c1583268752f41fdc39ef13c_3.jpg?v=1594074568 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/c367cc71c1583268752f41fdc39ef13c_4.jpg?v=1594075880

2020-07-08 14:39:19

i will vote for yours if you vote for me here is my one here is the linkhttps://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10726/#comment_12899593

2020-07-08 14:55:09

I like the colors and furniture! Thx for the comment! I’ll be voting for u, here is the link to mine so u can find me easily when voting starts https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10265/#comment_9727816

2020-07-08 20:01:07
Hall Pat

Es simple pero linda. Te sugiero agregar algunos detalles más y jugar un poco con las texturas para darle un poco de vida. ;) Te agradecería si visitaras mi proyecto. Siéntete libre de dejar un comentario o sugerencia por favor :) https://planner5d.com/es/contests/detail/10134 Aquí el render de mi habitación ;) https://planner5d.com/storage/s/34b09514d4feaf9e906f235ffd293bab_3469296.jpg?v=1594013102 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/34b09514d4feaf9e906f235ffd293bab_3469305.jpg?v=1594013256

2020-07-08 23:30:55

simple but nice and relaxing looking room, well done

2020-07-09 18:19:13

here is a render of mine https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/S6QQ8 and a link to my design https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10625, i would love it if you could check it out and leave a comment

2020-07-09 18:19:16

Abbie, I voted. Pls vote for me!!!! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10265/#comment_58162

2020-07-10 15:01:26

Simple room but very comfy. Good work! Check out mine in this link https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10116/ and please vote for me if you like it. And comment your link so I do the same to yours. Thanks!❤️

2020-07-11 23:43:24
Aarna Gupta

hi,you have made a really nice bedroom,your choices make up the perfect room.I voted for u because of your amazing room can u please vote for me to-https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/11040

2020-07-12 06:08:52
Aarna Gupta

wow! :)

2020-07-12 06:09:00

hi! your project is really good! i voted for u! https://planner5d.com/storage/s/8790576df46d2a7c6bf3879793564f39_1.jpg?v=1594029624 here is a render of my project, if u like it, please vote for me https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10203

2020-07-12 14:21:19