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Hall Pat

Комментарии (55)

Abdulqoudous Rahmani

it's so cool, i will vote for you since the vote start here is my link https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10240 https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10240

2020-07-06 11:47:59

hi! i really like the colours u have chosen - the pink is so nice! your project is really good! i will definitely vote for u when voting starts. here is a render of my project https://planner5d.com/storage/s/8790576df46d2a7c6bf3879793564f39_1.jpg?v=1594029624 if u like it, please check out my project, and vote for me https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10203

2020-07-06 14:05:05

Gracias por tu comentario. No es tan difícil comentar algo normal ya sea poner algo positivo o negativo de diseño, en vez de pedir votos. Que les costara digo yo. XDDD La cama en la pared de la puerta no se debería poner, por el temas de evacuación, pero vamos por ponerle un pero.

2020-07-06 18:13:17
User 12798674

2020-07-06 21:00:14
User 12039722

2020-07-06 21:50:05

I think yours is super good come see mine on page 1 and comment and vote me!! I really want to get to the top 5 !! Thanks!! :-)

2020-07-06 22:20:06

a suggestion is to change the color of the walls otherwise it looks great!

2020-07-06 23:04:04

please check out my project , https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10460

2020-07-07 03:01:54
Sarah K.

Hola, Hall Pat: Much gracias for your comment, with the help of your comedy and consejo amigable, no como nada ofensivo :) También me gusta mucho tu habitación y los colores que tu coche !!! Gracias de nuevo per tu comentario, votaré por ti

2020-07-07 04:51:21
Sarah K.

Sory about my horrible spanish...

2020-07-07 04:52:02
Flame X Rose

hola hallpat, gracias por comentar en el mío. Tu habitación se ve genial. El color que elijas es maravilloso. Me encanta Voy a votar por ti :)

2020-07-07 05:56:47
Flame X Rose


2020-07-07 05:57:16
Born to be Wild

Lovely soft colors :)

2020-07-07 09:25:35
Sim Dhanda

Hola, me encanta tu diseño, es muy único. No soy español pero aprendo español en la escuela. Por favor vota por mi. El enlace esta aquihttps://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10210/

2020-07-07 11:22:31
Anonymous :)

Thanks for your comment. I really like the grey and the pink-peach color combination. I also like the books. Great job.

2020-07-07 12:38:29

Hola. Por favor vote por mí y yo también votaré por usted. Realmente me gusta tu proyecto. Usé el traductor de Google para escribir esto. Gracias https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10239

2020-07-07 14:46:08

yours is amazing i will defiantly vote for you. please check out mine

2020-07-07 15:08:32


2020-07-07 15:08:46

Hello is it me you looking for

2020-07-07 17:38:36

i like the colors you chose and how you left a lot of the room empty

2020-07-07 18:15:33

ME gusta mucho la distribución y los muebles que usaste lo único que me parece que es demasiado rosa. Pero es muy chula y bonito-

2020-07-07 18:49:47
User 10802606

2020-07-08 03:38:09

Hello, check mine ,https://planner5d.com/fr/contests/detail/10433 Renders : https://planner5d.com/storage/s/c367cc71c1583268752f41fdc39ef13c_1.jpg?v=1594074738 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/c367cc71c1583268752f41fdc39ef13c_3.jpg?v=1594074568 https://planner5d.com/storage/s/c367cc71c1583268752f41fdc39ef13c_4.jpg?v=1594075880

2020-07-08 12:12:48
Jean Rashed

I like the colors so much. GOOD JOB. please check mine : https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10528

2020-07-08 17:26:44

Admito que no estaba muy enfocado en este proyecto, en relación con el tuyo, es realmente hermoso y el renderizado en HD es simplemente espléndido, votaré nuevamente por ti cuando comience. https://planner5d.com/fr/contests/detail/10409

2020-07-08 19:18:08
MayLeea Boyd

Spanish: ¡Tu habitación es muy linda! ¡Ojalá tuviera esas habilidades! ¡Voy a votar por ti definitivamente! English: Your room is so cute! I wish I had those skills! I'll be voting for you definitely!

2020-07-08 22:21:04
MayLeea Boyd

Si quieres puedes ver el mío https://planner5d.com/view/?key=230fa0733085f8ac5d95244e5b6c5eac

2020-07-08 22:35:36
Rhea Jagadeesh

¡Guauu! ¡Esto es realmente lindo! Puedo ver que te has esforzado mucho. Y, por cierto, me encanta el color del tema. ¡Todo coincide! :) Buen trabajo y gracias por comentar sobre el mío

2020-07-09 01:08:38

love the colors, they are very soft colors which really look good in this room! thank you for the comment! I will vote for you please vote for me! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10435

2020-07-09 01:15:23

Wooow! this is a great work. I think you're a professional. I'll vote for you! And thank you for your honest opinion of my work https://planner5d.com/ru/contests/detail/10458 buena suerte!!!

2020-07-09 08:22:20

really like the colour scheme you have used, and the feature brick wall. it looks really good

2020-07-09 14:53:01

here is a render of mine https://planner5d.com/gallery/ideas/S6QQ8/ and then a link to my design https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10625, i would love it if you could check it out and leave a comment

2020-07-09 14:53:04
Shamroc fion

amazing! PAT HAVE MERCY I AM DESPERATE I NEED VOTES! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10633 my thingy. MERCYMERCY HAVEMERCY le de theoil pro favor prosze whatever HAVE MERCYPLEEEEEASE boohooo i am crying

2020-07-09 17:36:36

Hi! You did a great job in this room. Keep up the good work. Check out mine in this link https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10116/ and please vote for me if you think I deserve it. Comment your link so I can vote for you. Thank you ❤️

2020-07-10 00:12:09
Flame X Rose

Hola, acabo de votar por ti https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10122/

2020-07-10 05:08:54
Sarah K.

Hi Hall Pat I voted 4 u pls vote for me here is my room linkhttps://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10205/#comment_58082

2020-07-10 07:33:01
Sim Dhanda

hi, hall pat. I voted for you, please vote for me as well https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10210

2020-07-10 11:17:52

Hi, I love your room. I will vote for you if you vote for me. comment on mine when you voted and I will comment and vote on yours. https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10080

2020-07-10 11:47:12

hi! your project is really good! i voted for u! https://planner5d.com/storage/s/8790576df46d2a7c6bf3879793564f39_1.jpg?v=1594029624 here is a render of my project, if u like it, please vote for me https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10203

2020-07-10 12:32:38

Voted(votedo). https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10265/#comment_58162

2020-07-10 15:02:31

voto completado, buena suerte :-) https://planner5d.com/fr/contests/detail/10409

2020-07-10 17:01:10
Elena Z

Very good!

2020-07-10 18:24:23
Clove Kitty

HI hallpat pls vote mine if u think it's good. Thank u. https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10644

2020-07-10 18:30:40

I love the colors and the details in the bedroom! I'll vote for you!

2020-07-10 18:39:23

Very nice :) Voted for you. Please check out mine https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10431/

2020-07-11 09:07:34

i love your project!!!!!! it is awsome!

2020-07-11 15:47:14
Sherlyn Osuna

Hola soy Sherlyn votastes por mi aqui esta mi voto :) como siempre esta muy bonito :)

2020-07-11 16:20:05

I like the choice of soft colors that you made. The room is well designed, a fresh space very livable. It is a classic design but with a modern touch. I think that you have a good eye and good skills. The only think that I'm not sure about it is the floor. It is not my cup of tea. The wallpaper on the oblique wall is one of my favourite features in this design. It creates a welcoming spot that it seems to wrapping you. You are one of my favourite designers here. Thanks for your comments on my design. You have my vote. https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10468

2020-07-11 22:21:16

really good. have voted for u pls vote for me https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10104

2020-07-12 01:43:42

I really think that you have some potential. I'm just here for fun but I'm really happe to know that you like my works. I will keep an eye on you for the next battles. Good luck!

2020-07-12 01:55:49
Born to be Wild

Voted for you! https://planner5d.com/contests/detail/10212

2020-07-12 06:44:04
Lexi Győrfi

Nice colours, keep on planning. Good luck for the competition, vote from me. :)

2020-07-12 10:34:05

HI! Im not sure if u checked out mine, but if u want to im on page 1!

2020-07-12 21:07:24

Spanish hi hall i like it it is quite unique ... hola pasillo me gusta es bastante único ...

2020-07-14 20:48:38
печенье выпечка

hola me gusta tu diseno

2020-10-13 00:11:42