Cantos arredondados

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Comentários (20)


When are you going to post the project I gave you.

2021-10-11 13:11:31

when i am ready

2021-10-11 17:59:00

May you give me an estimate?

2021-10-11 20:16:23

idk bc of school wor it a lot to handle and i also need to take breaks off screen

2021-10-12 06:57:11

Thats fine! I totally understand! I was in your place at a point!

2021-10-12 10:17:24

lo :)

2021-10-12 15:43:50

What does that mean?

2021-10-12 18:14:59

lol i meant

2021-10-12 20:34:54

A long long long long time ago.

2021-10-13 12:17:21

Dont you think planner should turn off the chat to only things that are appropriate. This week I posted a picture of me, and people were assuming that I was using a TikTok filter. I am so tired on this. I dont understand, planner is to build a house, not to hurt others, even thought I am chating this.

2021-10-16 13:31:54

yea they should people can be mean so i dont tend to interact

2021-10-17 19:23:54

Yeah honestly, I am tired and might just turn off planner for a log time or forever. I mean designing is okay, and so nice and kind talk, but accusing someone of lying, mean, bulling is so so rude.

2021-10-17 23:34:28

Good luck with your project and life, I am deciding to log out and delete my account from planner 5d.

2021-10-18 12:26:03

but the house. what should i do now. you know mindy there are so many bad people out there that criticize to make them feel better. also we do not know what they are going through. I think you should ignore it. :)

2021-10-18 16:27:08

I am trying to ignore, but for me its hard. People dont understand my life, they just assume its easy, and its not. And for the house I will still talk to you, some, maybe, but anybody else, no.

2021-10-18 17:45:20

I finished the decor in the house. sorry it took so long. bc school work lol

2021-10-18 18:04:15

also bc you are feeling bad i will make you a surprise house and after you can publish it on your account without giving me credic :)

2021-10-18 18:04:55

Its totally fine, for it taking a long time. All of this isnt your fault. Aww that is so nice of you too make a surprise house. I dont need to post it, you can. If you know what I want I will tell you, if not its fine. Also I am trying to have a baby so I might sound tired and mean. Sorry!

2021-10-18 18:26:51

Also could you post the house and I will copy then post, but the surprise house I dont need to post. And on my house that I created half, I will give you create, you did half of it, lol

2021-10-18 18:28:00


2021-10-19 06:44:05