Merry Christmas to you, happy to see you back :)! I love the way you used Christmas garlands and, again, your layout is perfect, as always. There is so many beautiful details like your choice of wrapping paper, stone wall with framed wood with intarsia, fire place, cushion combinations. Great work!
2020-12-21 16:26:41Que bonito diseño. Muy cómodo y para nada encimado o apretado. Me gusta el sofa junto a la ventana, y que el comedor tenga tantas sillas y algunas diferentes, me parece divertido :D se puede sentir el ambiente de navidad por todos lados. Muy buen trabajo.
2020-12-21 18:21:38Hi Rita. Thanks for the comment. Happy New Year У тебя кардинально по другому расставлена мебель. Нравится то, что мой любимый камин виден со всех точек сидения. Пространство сохранено, что мне тоже нравится. Не люблю, когда используют перегородки. Молодец. Мне понравилось
2020-12-21 18:33:51Here come the renders:
2020-12-21 19:11:22Very nice project. If you want and have the time, I invite you to rate my project on p. 23. I wish you happy holidays
2020-12-21 22:29:50Nice design. Very comfortable and very roomy. I like the sofa by the window, and the dining room has lots of different chairs, and I really like the way you put the furniture so neatly. good job
2020-12-21 23:22:08Thanks for your nice comment rita.
2020-12-21 23:22:56Hi dear Rita thanks for your comment. Your design is BEAUTIFUL!!! I really like the light green walls, the fireplace. well done and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
2020-12-22 04:48:43Hi Rita, thanks a ton for your sweet comments :-) Merry Christmas !! Your design is really so thoughtful and beautiful. the green walls look superb. The shelf with decoration looks fabulous.
2020-12-22 05:12:41And yes the magical floating pillow , ha ha i submitted the project then realized my miss :):)
2020-12-22 05:13:36Gracias por el comentario. Y ahora, me encanta tu proyecto, la distribución, los colores.. todo. Es muy bonito, enhorabuena. Y felices fiestas y prospero año nuevo
2020-12-22 15:02:04Thank you for your comment. Your room looks really good. I like the stone wall.
2020-12-23 01:22:57Szia Rita, köszönöm! Nagyon szép lett. A tégla fal ,a dekorációk nagyon tetszenek. A piros kanapét a párnákkal imádom. Boldog Karácsonyt Neked is! :)
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