
Comentários (11)

User 15281715

2020-12-21 04:03:08

I love it its very pretty i will vote you come see mine its on page 3

2020-12-21 04:15:54

Thanks Will check you out.

2020-12-21 04:38:46
Adria nok

great willow, I really like that you use blue, since most use green and red tones always, including myself XD, this differentiates it from the others very good design, happy holidays

2020-12-21 18:24:47

very pretty

2020-12-21 21:52:32

also if u don't mind pls check mine out at page 44 :)

2020-12-21 21:53:04

Thanks will check out Normal and Adria. Hope I can find all of you during voting!

2020-12-21 23:39:05
Hall Pat

Muy lindo, me gustó mucho la selección del textil para la alfombra. Lo único es que me hubiera gustado ver unas sillas cerca de la mesa, pero solo eso. (Sin intención de ofenderte claro).

2020-12-22 15:29:46

no ofendido en absoluto. Estaba pensando en una mesa de buffet, pero podría haber usado más asientos. Las mesas que ofrecían eran bastante grandes para el espacio. Agradezco todos los comentarios.

2020-12-22 23:59:25
Potato chip

Thank you for your comment. Your room looks very good. I like the blue presents.

2020-12-23 00:53:58

I like it Please vote.

2020-12-25 11:13:57