Ano Novo Chinês!

Projete uma sala de estar de estilo chinês com área de jantar para as festas.


Comentários (11)


Excelente diseño, felicidades

2024-02-07 11:10:46
Janine de Jong

This is so good! The room looks more spacious than other users designs, even though theyre all the same size. Very impressive. Congrats :)

2024-02-07 17:29:57
User 84322260

What a beautifully unique and delightful design! The work is intricate and dynamic. The wall decor, color and texture choices feel traditionally inspired and well thought out. You used the principles of harmony, balance and restraint. And your attention to details here seems mindful and good for overall wellness and meditation. You did a wonderful job on this project and I look forward to your winning because you certainly deserve it. Beautiful work, Olga!! Congratulations!! :)

2024-02-08 18:45:17
User 84322260

… and Congratulations on winning Editors Choice in the Dream Bedroom design battle!! You sure know how to surprise with every work you do! Great job!!!!!

2024-02-08 18:57:55
User 84322260

Hooray!!!!! Congratulations on the happy victory, Olga!!!!! :)

2024-02-12 14:33:05

Congrats on 1st, you definitely deserve it! This design is amazing!!:)

2024-02-13 00:08:01


2024-02-14 22:04:11


2024-02-14 22:04:30
User 125092031


2024-03-26 07:11:01
User 125092031


2024-03-26 07:11:03
User 125092031


2024-03-26 07:11:04