
Comentários (28)

Born to be Wild

Your design is very unique. If you did this in one hour, hats off to you :-) The division of space looks very good and also the raised flooring in the dining space is awesome. Do check mine on Pg 7

2020-11-30 10:13:06

Hi sorry I checked this late, but thanks for the comment, I'll check yours out in a sec =)

2020-11-30 15:20:52
Hall Pat

Hola Caperfad! Llegó un poco tarde lo siento. Wow :O este diseño es hermoso y sin duda me sorprendiste, me gusta tu división de áreas ya que es delicada pero de algún modo al mismo tiempo es tajante, no se si me explico. Tu selección de colores es agradable y muy bonita. Al igual que la distribución ya que incluso creaste dos salas/áreas de descanso. Veo lo mucho que avanzas cada semana en tus proyectos, felicidades. Un diseño hermoso.

2020-11-30 17:09:03

Really nice project Everything is nicely arranged, the right colors and equipment chosen. Nice.

2020-11-30 21:14:43

Hi Caperfad, lovely design. The dining area in wooden raised floor, living room, partitions, colors, everything is perfect :) I loved your design :) come and see mine on pg 9 :)

2020-12-01 05:21:48

Nice! I like that you played with height and raised certain zones + constructed some kind of partition. The fire place then becomes central to both zones so its heat distribution is much more even.

2020-12-01 06:05:24

Aw thank you everyone, also Yeqoan the thought of equal heat distribution hadn't struck me until you told it xD I'll check your designs in a sec

2020-12-01 10:27:50

Очень понравился проект!) Контрастно, строго, интересно и в выборе цвета и в распределении зон и расстановке мебели! Хороший декор. Очень уютная атмосфера!!!!)

2020-12-02 09:01:13

Не поверю, что работа выполнена 11-летним подростком!!!!!! Она на уровне профи!

2020-12-02 09:05:34

On the contrary, it is beyond expectation, very modern, and I love the layout, the separations and the shelf combination too.

2020-12-02 19:34:54
User 12006058

2020-12-04 00:16:15

Gostei do seu projeto. Eu votei em você, por favor vote em mim! I voted for you, please vote for me! Project 33061 .

2020-12-04 00:38:06
Hall Pat

Votado :)

2020-12-04 03:06:03


2020-12-04 08:02:54
Rizki Agustin


2020-12-04 14:13:57
User 15281715

2020-12-04 15:09:11
User 12006058

2020-12-04 15:35:36

OMG ! this is WONDERFULLLLLL !!! its complexity is just beyond expectations ! every thing about it is remarkable. it also expresses the element of coziness and warmth ! well done ! u truly deserve my vote ! can u check my work and tell me what u think ? can u vote if u like it ? have a nice day :)

2020-12-04 17:44:40

I voted

2020-12-04 18:00:58

WOW!!!! How do you do stuff like that!!! You totally deserve my vote! I LOVE it!

2020-12-04 20:07:23

Hi! I like the dining room upstairs. It's an imaginative way to break the space. You compensated the dark walls well with the light shelves in the living room. I like the way you chose the living room separately. I voted. :)

2020-12-04 21:05:09
Alpha Fire Wolfe Twin Melissa

2020-12-04 22:24:22

Omg thank you so much everyone, I was greeted with 8 comments, that's not really usual for me, but I'll check everyone's out

2020-12-05 07:42:43

Realy nice project. Voted. My project is on p. 8

2020-12-05 10:41:13
Mari Mond

Hi! I like your project, really nice. I voted for you, if you have time, please come see mine ? on page 6 or project 33061.

2020-12-05 13:31:30
Alpha Blaze

voted im on pg 10

2020-12-05 14:18:51
Art lover

Hey! I've voted for you, i would love if i can have your feedback on my project too

2020-12-06 20:23:38
Art lover

OMG!! I love how you created the one room into three rooms! so cool. how did you do it???

2020-12-06 20:24:21