
Comentários (9)

Hall Pat

Hola Taylor! Que bueno ver tu proyecto, que por cierto es muy bonito, me gusta el detalle de los cojines con colores brillantes. Buen trabajo!

2020-10-07 02:51:35

muchas gracias Hall Pat ¡También me encanta ver tus proyectos! Vendré a ver el tuyo.

2020-10-08 13:24:24
Hall Pat

Hola!! :D vine a dejar mi voto. Buena suerte.

2020-10-09 03:15:50
Huzaifah Al-Quraishi

HI Taylor! I really love your project! i really love the sofa area! You are so talented! AMAZING PROJECT! I already voted for your project! please vote for my project on page 1!

2020-10-09 13:12:19

Gracias HAll Pat

2020-10-09 13:37:45

Thank you Huzaifah shaikh i will definitely vote for you too

2020-10-09 13:38:20

Hi! thanks forthe comment and the vote- I like yours alot! I voted it :3

2020-10-09 15:44:37

btw, the idea or the raised window area is gorgeous! very unique. I also like the love seat in the corner- i dunno if they are rly called that, but that's what my mum calls them .-.

2020-10-09 15:45:48

haha thanks bellaDOGa

2020-10-09 18:34:15